Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/22/14 04:43:12AM
926 posts

Npages - Embed not working

Ning To Jamroom

Thanks Steve - I'll have another go at it...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/21/14 08:15:02AM
926 posts

Need for a Search within specific features (& Profiles/member List issues)

Ning To Jamroom

Do we really need to have a button to decide?

I'm not sure what you mean by that - what button?

brian: Why not show the user their own items by default

I agree with that 100%

brian:and if they "search" then search site wide?

Well that's OK if they want to search "site wide" by which I mean all categories. However, if you are just looking for Christmas videos, then you don't want Christmas blogs, and Christmas pictures showing up - hence a category specific search box in each category and a site wide one in the main menu.

brian: I think the cleanest and easiest way for users would be to remove the entire bar there (we don't need the 5/10/15/20 icons) and have a clean search field. If they search, show all matches in that category.

A category specific search is what we have been asking for, the aesthetics are of course up to the designer. It's the functionality we are missing.

brian: I think it is important that we focus on ease of use and NOT maximum configurability.

Again agree 100% - some of the Ningster that will be coming over, are not very advanced and are used to easy intuitive tools.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/21/14 06:34:32AM
926 posts

Npages - Embed not working

Ning To Jamroom

Well - we are getting closer. I did that and now it shows both the raw code and the "rendered" embed.

On the "full page" view it is still just the raw code. Here is the template file.


{if isset($item.npage_forbidden)}

You do not have access to this page

{jrCore_module_url module="jrNingPage" assign="murl"}

{jrCore_item_detail_buttons module="jrNingPage" item=$item}


{$item.profile_name} »
{jrCore_lang module="jrNingPage" id="10" default="NPage"} » {$_post._2|default:"NPage"}

{jrCore_lang module="jrNingPage" id="19" default="View full screen"}


{jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrNingPage" item=$item}

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/21/14 05:28:21AM
926 posts

New Use for Your Module

Profile Badges

Dude... I bet you didn't see this coming - lol...

I used your module to solve a problem relating to Ning migrations. It's a bit "convoluted" in it's present incarnation, but with a few easy tweaks you could incorporate this functionality in a "user friendly" manner.

Also, PM me your email and I'll send you my graphics for categories.

Ken Rich
11/21/14 05:21:42AM
926 posts

Sorting Migrants into Quotas...

Ning To Jamroom

As you know, Ning only had one quota or category of members. Jamroom allows you to create many quotas both free and subscribed.

However, the typical scenario is someone signs up into a free category (artist, member. charity, business, DJ, model) and upgrades to a premium version later if they wish.

So how does one get migrants in a free quota to sort themselves into either a different free or subscribed account, particularly if the concept is foreign to them.

I've been asking for a "pro" solution, but came up with a "workaround" for the time being.

Step 1 - Get the badges module from B360. Nice to have anyway but here is a use for it that he didn't anticipate.

Step 2 - Install the code (as normal) to your profile_header.tpl at an appropriate place - I chose just below the profile picture.

Step 3 - Choose a category you don't need (I chose "Business") and assigned it to the Ning migrant quota.

Step 3 - Delete the image link between the centering and add this code to that section.
{if jrProfile_is_profile_owner($_profile_id) {else} {/if}

Step 4 - Write the message you want to appear between the if and the else. Example:

{if jrProfile_is_profile_owner($_profile_id)}Notice: This is a temporary migration quota, with restricted space and features.
Please choose a FREE or PREMIUM account HERE {else} {/if}

Step 5 - Build an easy contact form to link to in your message. Mine is


Now only the account owner can see the message and only if they are logged in. As soon as they subscribe to a quota or are manually moved by the admin to a different quota in response to their choice on the form, the message will disappear.

The annoyance level can be ramped up to force a choice, by making the font bigger/colored or by adding a compelling graphic to your message. Only changing quotas will remove the annoyance.
updated by @ken-rich: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 10:13:31PM
926 posts

Need for a Search within specific features (& Profiles/member List issues)

Ning To Jamroom

Yes - exactly like that... Only that search box must be "functionally" different than the main "site wide" one above it in the menu bar.

It must be restricted to ONLY searching audio, the video one - ONLY videos, the members one - ONLY members (and their particulars - like location).

Tagging complicates matters somewhat, because they need to feed two lists. One for the category only, one for the main.

So (for example) the search box on the videos page will sort all VIDEOS tagged Christmas, but WILL NOT turn up any pictures, or blogs tagged Christmas.

The main "site wide" search will turn up EVERYTHING tagged Christmas whether they be videos, pictures, or blogs.

That (in a nutshell) is what we are used to - what seems "intuitive" to us...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 10:00:19PM
926 posts

Npages - Embed not working

Ning To Jamroom

Thanks Michael - I'll look into that...
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/20/14 05:19:01PM
926 posts

Facebook Player - words to right, instead of below...

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Brian,

I tried a wider picture but it didn't help. I also played around with the values in the jrShareThis module jrAudio_facebook_open_graph.tpl

Nothing I tried fixed it, but I rather suspect that an adept could overwrite the inherited CSS there.

So, I eventually gave up and used their contact form to explain the issue.
Ken Rich
11/20/14 03:27:16PM
926 posts

Need for a Search within specific features (& Profiles/member List issues)

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Brian,

I don't know if it's because I'm not looking at the Ningja skin when I say this, but I only see one site wide search box.

What Stumelia and I were referring to, was that on Ning if you were on the members page (for example) it had it's own (not site wide) search box, that "only" searched member info.

If you were on the video page, it had it's own search box, independent of the "site wide" and "members" search box. It would only show video results.

Every category was he same - images, songs, whatever - would have it's own "independent" search box that only searched and displayed results for that category - everything else was excluded.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM