Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
11/23/14 06:25:12PM
926 posts

So discontented NING user here and questions I have about Jamroom

Using Jamroom

Did you get the Jamroom script installed, but not your migrated content. What exactly is the issue? How far along in the process are you?
Ken Rich
11/23/14 06:15:55PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

No problem - this is another example of where even the edit box you get is highly configurable.

When I first started Jamroom 5 I was disappointed by the edit boxes, because I didn't have mine set-up right and it stripped my codes, plus didn't allow iframes.

Now that I've gone through a "learning curve" I have a super powerful edit box. It was all along, I just couldn't see it because people like us are used to getting what's available handed to us already assembled "out of the box".

The editor here is more like one of those toys you buy a child for Christmas, that you have to buy seperate options for, and then have to spend half the day putting it together lol

Worth it in the end though, because fully decked out it is way better than Nings.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 05:50:31PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

The iframe module also effects what can be embedded. You can allow some iframes but not all, to have functionality without security issues.
iframe.JPG.jpg iframe.JPG.jpg - 65KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 05:44:53PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

Hi Stumelia,

A search upgrade is in the works for the embed tool, that's already been reported and I believe Michael is on it.

What you are able to embed is also controlled by your iframe module (can restrict for safety) and go to your core settings quota config (see screenshot) and enable more things if you want more functionality. Check all boxes and add to your allowed HTML tags. Then your editor will be more powerful.

Example:span,strong,em,a,b,u,i,p,div,br,img,h1,h2,h3,h4,pre,hr,ul,ol,li,sub,sup,iframe,src,no scrolling

Be advised, some things like src reduce security, but members with legitimate content don't like it being "stripped" in the editor, so it's a "trade-off".

Also, the image uploader and Google maps work with that tool. Image uploader is easy, but setting up the maps is "tricky". However, Steve x has lots of good documentation on it and is very helpful.

I muddled my way through it, and now I can put a map anywhere with the embed tool and maps are "built -in" to my events by design.
embed.JPG.jpg embed.JPG.jpg - 64KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 03:47:19PM
926 posts

JR Embed and Iframe control

Using Jamroom

I had to shut off the iframe checker because it was not allowing youtube video embeds or maps, even though those youtubes were indexed on the site.

I also had those domains listed as "good" in the "checker".

This wasn't happening before, so I'm not sure what caused it, perhaps one of the recent updates? I just tested Npages, discussions, group discussion, and blogs and the problem was everywhere.

Shutting off the checker solved it but of course reduced security.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/01/15 03:35:25AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 03:38:41PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

Strumelia - I just made a test blog and embedded 4 different things almost instantly as examples.

A playlist from the network, I uploaded a picture from my harddrive, I embedded a youtube video, and installed a Google map.

There are tons of stuff you can embed - everything on the network can be installed with a click. Or external codes with the HTML editor.

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 02:02:42PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

I hear you :) I'm not saying we won't expand Jamroom's capabilities (because of course that's what we're constantly doing) I just want to be sure it's really needed. If a user wanted to send messages to a group of users, would the Profile groups module fill that need? With it private, you in effect have a private group of users that can message each other - would that functionality be duplicated by expanding private notes (or maybe a new module)?

One of the quickest ways to confuse users is having multiple ways of accomplishing the same thing - they then wonder which way they should use.

Let me know if that makes sense.


Hi Brian,

While the ability within Groups for one member to message other members should be an option, some will not enable it to avoid spamming, and it should probably be restricted to group admins and those they assign the ability to (for the same reason).

I would argue that the described functionality in groups, would be no substitute for the ability to have multiple recipients in the "global messaging system". My argument is strictly based on ease of use and functionality.

Functionally, it is a workable system to have "followers" or "friends". People are used to such lists, it's not something one has to explain to them.

It's also intuitive, that they should be able to communicate with their friends and followers both individually, and with multiple recipients - it's kind of "expected" thanks to not just Ning, but Facebook, et al. Even ReverbNation allows one to send a "blast" to all your followers.

Expecting someone to join your group, just to be able to acquire that functionality is not really intuitive. For example, if the group was called "Join Here so we can Communicate" then perhaps it would work somewhat, but if the group is created specifically for those who enjoy "Underwater Basket Weaving" (for example) lol then it does nothing to help me send a blast to my friends and followers who are on a "global" level.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 01:43:56PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom


I'm not aware of anything that is needed in the current setup that is not already supported. "

I don't see an 'embed button' or the other ways of reply-with-quote, editing, adding, linking to a post, embedding inline images or videos...
What am i not 'getting'?

It doesn't look like you have the jrembed module installed for one thing. That is the absolute "bomb". I am really impressed by it's functionality.

All the content on my network is listed and easily embedded, plus picture uploading, and to top it off I can add an interactive "Google Map" to a post - very sophisticated and easy to use.

The quick code embed we had in Ning is gone but when you switch to HTML view, it is the same thing - embed any external code.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 01:35:52PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

"Your users will not lose anything - Jamroom already supports this. For example I just embeded a YouTube video on my timeline: "

That functionality seems to exist but it's not something we or our members would know about "intuitively". One almost needs a tab above the comment box to explain such things.

Then I'm still not sure how a person could upload a picture from their computer, or bold some text without HTML coding knowledge, so despite the inline embedding functionality - I still prefer traditional edit boxes.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
11/23/14 12:31:45PM
926 posts

Notes vs Private Notes vs messages...??

Ning To Jamroom

Well, in the end with the internal messaging, it boils down to practical issues.

Will the guy who did my Top 20 quit, because now he can't notify all his followers that the new list is out, and give a play be play on this months picks?

Will he or anyone else feel "isolated" from the other members because they can't communicate, unless it's to just one person at a time?

Even Facebook allows you to put multiple recipients in a message, so it's not so much a "Ning" thing, as it is an essential feature of any network where social interaction is expected.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM