Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
12/02/14 08:48:20PM
926 posts

Can't Find Forum Template

Design and Skin Customization

I was trying to remove the buttons and name box shaded red (see attached screenshot).

I had an idea to clone a profile header - remove those - and include the renamed header ONLY in the Admin Forum (a swap).

However, I can't find a template for that forum anywhere - how is it generated?
Forum.JPG.jpg Forum.JPG.jpg - 93KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/03/15 03:06:24AM
Ken Rich
12/02/14 08:19:17PM
926 posts

Arranging Tabs In Profiles: How Do You ?

Design and Skin Customization

That was something we could easily drag and drop in Ning. Some will miss the speed and ease of that, so if profile tweaks can do it, then it probably should be done.

A lot of the Ning migrants just are not going to be able to work with coding.

Here is pic of Ning's "drag & drop" menu creator, just to give an idea of what they are coming from.
Tabs & Pages.JPG.jpg Tabs & Pages.JPG.jpg - 79KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/02/14 08:22:22PM
Ken Rich
12/02/14 07:10:29PM
926 posts

My Beta Slate Skin Site So Far

Design and Skin Customization

Cool... I like the shadow effect on the blocks - gives them a nice hint of 3D.

Your buttons are not "dead" either, like most Jamroom tabs. Not fussy on the color choices but at least they "feel" like buttons.

How do those buttons fit in responsive views?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/02/14 07:10:45PM
Ken Rich
12/02/14 04:54:34PM
926 posts

Height - Width Issues in Timeline

Using Jamroom

Kind of self explanatory if you look at the attached pic. It looks like video width is shrinking, while video height is not, making for tall skinny videos.

This happens with JR Embed on timelines.
videos.JPG.jpg videos.JPG.jpg - 51KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/07/15 05:23:05AM
Ken Rich
12/02/14 12:09:57PM
926 posts

Editor and Sharing...

Using Jamroom

I've finally got sharing working - at least to Twitter but there is a problem perhaps related to having the editor enabled.

If content is embedded (looks great on the JR5 timeline) at Twitter it shows up as "raw code".

Even the most basic of posts "plain text" ends up with the HTML showing . For example - I tweeted this though the editor...

Timeline sharing to Twitter is now working at

and this showed up at Twitter:

<p>Timeline sharing to Twitter is now working at</p>

Notice the

Of course with embedded pics and such, it is just a mess of "gobble-de-goop".

If this can be fixed great, if it can't then perhaps the editor should be disabled when connected to Twitter? Or at least a warning message be given about this issue?
updated by @ken-rich: 01/23/15 10:26:53AM
Ken Rich
12/02/14 11:54:00AM
926 posts

Playlists and Players in Timeline - Plus Facebook Sharing?

Using Jamroom

I'm making progress, got the Twitter part working now - but there are still issues relating to the Editor box.

Since this post is already long, I'll open another for that.

I think the problem with getting this stuff working has to do with insufficient help tips (instructions), and confusion over how much of the initialization is done automatically by the module, and how much must be done manually.

For social sign-in, nothing has to be done manually, for the app is automatically created with sufficient permissions.

For sharing, more permissions must be added to the EXISTING app. Therefore, one has to IGNORE the instructions at OneAll about creating an app (not meant for Jamroom) and simply modify the permissions on the one ALREADY CREATED by the jrOneAll module.

For Twitter this is easy, just add write access and regenerate the access key. Done in two minutes. For Facebook, it's quite a bit more complicated.

One has to add notes, pictures, instructions and so on, then make an application for publishing permission. It can then take up to a week to be reviewed and approved by Facebook.

I haven't done the LinkedIn one yet but it will be along the same lines...
Facebook Permissions.JPG.jpg Facebook Permissions.JPG.jpg - 68KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/02/14 12:00:27PM
Ken Rich
12/01/14 09:17:12AM
926 posts

Playlists and Players in Timeline - Plus Facebook Sharing?

Using Jamroom

The module doesn't give me a choice to connect any differently, so how is this ability enabled? If there documentation or something I am missing?
Ken Rich
12/01/14 05:47:13AM
926 posts

Playlists and Players in Timeline - Plus Facebook Sharing?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

It is still not working for me - but I am seeing the errors now. I thought perhaps it was because I was sharing from the Master Admin account. So I deleted my connections and connected under my personal account. However the result was the same errors (see attached).
Capture3.JPG.jpg Capture3.JPG.jpg - 72KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/01/14 05:47:43AM
Ken Rich
11/26/14 02:38:57PM
926 posts

Playlists and Players in Timeline - Plus Facebook Sharing?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

I got an answer from OneAll but it's nothing but "gobble-de-goop" to me - I don't "get it".

Quote: ...the developer has in fact only partially checked the response of our API.
As you can post for multiple networks at once, there is a global status and
more specific statuses for each social network.
Here is the full response

"response": {
"request": {
"date": "Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:55:04 +0100",
"resource": "/users/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/publish.json",
"status": {
"flag": "error",
"code": 400,
"info": "Your request could not be processed due to an error"
"result": {
"data": {
"message": {
"sharing_message_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"date_creation": "Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:55:04 +0100",
"publications": [
"provider": "facebook",
"user_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"identity_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"status": {
"flag": "error_message_is_not_permitted",
"code": 403,
"message": "The provider did not accept the message: you do not have the permission to post on behalf of the user"

The interesting part is this:

The provider did not accept the message: you do not have the permission to post on behalf of the user.

In your OneAll Facebook setup you must enable this option:

Publish Actions - Request the permission to post content, comments and likes to a user's stream. Then you need to relogin with Facebook in your Jamroom site to update the permissions. Then it should work.

updated by @ken-rich: 11/26/14 02:40:06PM