Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
12/03/14 07:25:22AM
926 posts

My Beta Slate Skin Site So Far

Design and Skin Customization

You seem like you really have a "handle" on this CSS stuff John. I've got a project in mind that seems right up your alley and I'd be willing to pay for it, even though I'm on a tiny disability pension.

There was a 3rd party developer who made really aesthetically pleasing skins, but he was notoriously difficult to work with, and in fact negligent on "bug" fixes. He's gone now, but I have a copy of the skin I bought from him.

I would like to clone some of the CSS from it and make it work in Ningja, especially for the menu and headers which have a soft 3D effect, However swapping CSS is a trial and error (mostly error) time consuming process for me.

I think the end result might be a new skin, a Ningja light version which could perhaps be marketed as well. Look at this picture and tell me if this looks "doable", keeping in mind the CSS files are already are "in hand" and just need to be "reworked" a little for Ninga functionality.
Capture.JPG.jpg Capture.JPG.jpg - 123KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/03/14 07:29:38AM
Ken Rich
12/03/14 07:12:58AM
926 posts

Can't Find Forum Template

Design and Skin Customization

Yes, and the profile name box.

The community forum doesn't need to show any of the admin stuff.

Ken Rich
12/03/14 07:10:45AM
926 posts

Facebook Player - words to right, instead of below...

Design and Skin Customization

Nice tip. I've seen that code view before, but didn't know you could make "live" changes with it.

One thing I've tried to do with it is find the title of the template and originating CSS file. However, I usually see inherited CSS values and don't know how to track down the source. Template doesn't seem to be there either.

Is there something I'm "missing" about how to get those from the inspection tool? A tab view to click or specific search to conduct perhaps?
Ken Rich
12/03/14 07:02:40AM
926 posts

Arranging Tabs In Profiles: How Do You ?

Design and Skin Customization

Got you... lol

However, leaving out that kind of user friendliness will severely limit your customer base, and be a major impediment to Ning migration efforts.

It will also end up creating loads of time consuming forum issues to respond to, for those non coders who attempt to acclimate to Jamroom's hard coding system. Can't both (template and "drag & drop") exist simultaneously, or does one preclude the other?

If on some level they can both exist, one has to wonder if instead of answering posts and writing documentation, it would be time better spent designing some user friendly interfaces in the Profile Tweaks module and Michael's site builder. Then what you spend in design time, might be offset 3 fold by less support issues to deal with.

Just the opinion of a non coder with an admittedly limited grasp of the technical challenges of providing easy interfaces. Maybe I'm not even being close to realistic because I can't see the "big picture" of how it all works lol
Ken Rich
12/03/14 05:15:30AM
926 posts

Facebook Player - words to right, instead of below...

Design and Skin Customization

Wow - how did you do that? Is that some kind of developer tool that let's you see the code and make temporary changes?

At any rate, I'm passing along your recommendation. Might take awhile, their support staff seems like they are on drugs or something lol.

Interestingly, they at first denied having a Facebook player. Then I proved it with screenshots.

After I showed them screenshots of the module and such, they said Jamroom used their button code without them knowing, and generated the player using nothing from them but the button.

The last time round with them, they confused the OneAll buttons with their ShareThis buttons... Oh brother... lol.

updated by @ken-rich: 12/03/14 05:16:34AM
Ken Rich
12/03/14 05:07:55AM
926 posts

My Beta Slate Skin Site So Far

Design and Skin Customization

It's cool - the button really stands out in your version. I know about the if-then-else command that switches mobile menus, but I find if you check different screensizes with "responsive" views not mobile (there's a difference) buttons and menus can do some "weird" stuff.

In other words, a tablet let's say might make two rows instead of one, as on a desktop view. I look with this tool:
Ken Rich
12/03/14 05:00:17AM
926 posts

Can't Find Forum Template

Design and Skin Customization

Cool... But I think (from my limited understanding) that would change it for all profile pages instead of just the one for the forum.

As near as I can tell, what we need to change is in the PHP for jrForum, but it's too "cryptic" for me to be sure...
Ken Rich
12/03/14 04:30:19AM
926 posts

Can't Find Forum Template

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Douglas,

Yes I know that - lol. But I can't delete the name box and profile buttons from that without deleting them from ALL the profile pages.

So, I need to clone it as perhaps profile_header(clone).tpl with the profile name box and profile menu removed.

Then I need to find the the place in the php for the forum where the profile_header.tpl is included and include the altered version instead.

Does that make sense or is there a different way?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/03/14 04:36:45AM
Ken Rich
12/03/14 04:21:40AM
926 posts

Can't Find Forum Template

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Michael,

Thanks - that's a good trick to keep in mind.

However, it's no help to me here because /modules/jrForum/templates/item_categories.tpl is not the template generating the page.

I can delete that entirely and the only thing that disappears, is a part of the page I want to keep, not the profile buttons I want to get rid of.

In fact, I can delete all the jrforum templates and the buttons still show up there, so where are they coming from? There has to be a place somewhere with an include command for the profile name box and profile menu.

I suspect the page is generated in PHP as a "special case" since it is not the Jamroom "normal" fare. However, I am a little bit lost when it comes to picking through that stuff.