Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
12/09/14 09:40:59AM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

Past events are still cool to show on a music site - kind of like "bragging rights" or like - hey you can promote with us - see...

The Nova skin is good at showing different views with subtabs. It might be something to consider in Ningja to compliment the search.

Something like: Upcoming events - default, Past Events, Events by location...
Ken Rich
12/09/14 05:45:55AM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

Awesome - so I guess that's on the schedule for a 1.06 update of the events module, since 1.05 doesn't seem to include it as Michael thought.
Ken Rich
12/08/14 09:18:36PM
926 posts

Video Player Bug in Chrome

Using Jamroom

I made a playlist and when I go full screen mode in Chrome, the player controls on the bottom cycle by appearing and disappearing over and over again (no matter where the mouse is).

I tried in Firefox and IE but did not see this issue.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/16/15 09:24:19AM
Ken Rich
12/08/14 08:58:12PM
926 posts

how do I choose a random quota_id from a set?

Using Jamroom

OK - I'm getting how they both function now, but just need confirmation on where to install.

Is it in the index_artists.tpl for artists, index_songs.tpl for songs (as I detailed in my last post above)?
Ken Rich
12/08/14 06:41:26PM
926 posts

How to Create a Marketplace?

Installation and Configuration

I would like an area on my network where people can shop for whatever is created as items for sale - similar to how Jamroom marketplace is working.

How can this be done? I see under Marketplace > Tools > Marketplace Systems, a form which seems to be for creating a marketplace. However, if I fill the blanks it doesn't seem to create a Marketplace page... Hmmm....

I checked the documentation but didn't see anything in a search - how do I build a network marketplace?
updated by @ken-rich: 01/13/15 05:56:23AM
Ken Rich
12/08/14 03:23:39PM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

Thanks Douglas, that's exactly what I am experiencing. The search is missing too, but according to Michael search is supposed to be there in the latest version - 1.05 (which is what I have).

So something is not adding up here...
Ken Rich
12/08/14 04:56:52AM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

The code there is short so easy to check. Is anything missing?

{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}
<div class="block">
    <div class="title">
        <h1>{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="23" default="Events"}</h1>
    <div class="block_content">
    {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search1="event_date >= `$`" order_by="event_date NUMERICAL_ASC" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true}
{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}
Ken Rich
12/07/14 06:22:30PM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael,

Event(s) just gives me a "not found".

When I look at the module templates, only this line for Google Maps is a deviation from the standard 1.05 version.

{ujGoogleMaps_map name="map" map=$item module="jrEvent" height="300"}

What template should I see the search code in?
Ken Rich
12/07/14 11:49:08AM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

My events module (and everything else) shows up to date. However, I think I might know what's going on. Can you confirm?

I am using NingNova as the active skin, Ningja in profiles, and Elastic in Admin. I can't use Ningja as admin skin, because it changes the CSS in Nova if I do.

So I am thinking, is that search box in Events strictly a Ninja thing, or was it added to Elastic as well?

Ken Rich
12/06/14 01:50:59PM
926 posts

Missing Events

Using Jamroom

There is really two event related problems here:

1) In the NingNova2 skin the event order is reversed. Upcoming events shows ones from way back in 2008 first, and up coming ones are on the last page -

2) In the Ningja skin the archive of events seems to be lost altogether. All I see is one event made recently and previous events are not indexed. There should be a sub-tab there showing past events.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/09/15 07:11:44AM