Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
12/13/14 09:43:26AM
926 posts

"User quota Changes" needs to be shut off

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

That may be true, but what happen's if they subscribe?

I have 2 Free sign-up levels for people to choose from Member or Artist. However, I have a bunch of other quotas that don't show in that list.

In this particular scenario, someone subscribed to become a "Platinum" artist. However, he later made a change to his profile page, and saved it.

In doing so, the system apparently thought he was choosing to be a "free" artist which is at top of the drop down list of choices Artist> Member.

To duplicate the issue, all I had to do is put a dummy account at a subscribed quota, save the profile page for that account, and they "lost" their subscribed status, to become a "free" artist.
Ken Rich
12/13/14 09:15:21AM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

I've watched that a couple times now and tried to absorb it. I can see how it would help in knowing what's available by default, but how can it be applied to this situation?

I mean, we are trying to add something new that isn't available by default, so I wouldn't expect it to show up in a debug.

Unless it's supposed to show up AFTER the form field is made, and running debug is to test whether the form is making it available?

At any rate, I'm making my Ning site a redirect to the JR5 version tomorrow, and so I have to concentrate on fixing dead links, writing FAQs, customer support, redoing advertising, that sort of thing.

I can see where learning some basic programmers tricks will be useful long term, but right now I just need a quick fix until I have more time to study.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/13/14 09:17:42AM
Ken Rich
12/13/14 08:52:18AM
926 posts

"User quota Changes" needs to be shut off

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

The problem occurs when it's on - as I had it for my Ning migrants.

Someone subscribed and then complained he was out of space, even though I had him in a quota with 4 GB. So I checked and he was back in the free artist quota.

So I did an experiment with a "dummy" account and the feature enabled. It was in a subscribed quota, I saved the profile page and it reverted to free artist (the first choice in the drop down menu of free accounts on my network).

So I had to disable that feature (the ability for them to choose their quota).

Now I am having them check a form to alert me of their choice, and manually setting their account.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/13/14 08:57:44AM
Ken Rich
12/13/14 07:50:30AM
926 posts

"User quota Changes" needs to be shut off

Using Jamroom

Hi Steve,

Sorry - I had the module confused (tired) so changed it above. It's the "User Profiles" module "Allow Quota Changes" feature.

That was recently added to help with a Ning migration problem but it switches people to the default value whenever the profile page is saved (for whatever reason - bio or otherwise).

That's a real bummer if they are subscribed and lose all their space and perks - lol.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/13/14 07:51:29AM
Ken Rich
12/12/14 03:51:28PM
926 posts

"User quota Changes" needs to be shut off

Using Jamroom

I have just noticed that if someone is subscribed, and changes their bio (for example) then saves their profile page, they will drop down to the default free quota.

The feature should be shut off until it is designed in a way that prevents this.

User Profiles> Allow Quota Changes> Off
updated by @ken-rich: 01/29/15 01:16:52PM
Ken Rich
12/12/14 03:46:00PM
926 posts

What's the difference between Artists & Members ?

Using Jamroom

I think the difference depends largely on quota settings (ie what modules are active in member quotas which are active in artists).

Generally, artists require more space and native multi-media support.
updated by @ken-rich: 12/13/14 07:53:07AM
Ken Rich
12/11/14 10:24:47AM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Paul - I'll have a look ASAP.
Ken Rich
12/11/14 09:26:36AM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

I'm sorry Paul, I don't know how to put in a debug. I'm not familiar with what you are talking about, although I gather it's some type of trouble shooting technique.

I seem to be good at adding bugs, not debugs lol
Ken Rich
12/11/14 05:38:39AM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

That should work. try it.
Use the template editor in the ACP and you can always go back if it breaks.

Nope... It didn't work... The name disappeared off of all my players, and there was a short bar through the controls (almost like the CSS was screwed up)???


This was the actual code used
 artist: "{if strlen($item.audio_alternate_artist) > 0}

Here is a screenshot of the form field.
Form.JPG.jpg Form.JPG.jpg - 81KB

updated by @ken-rich: 12/11/14 05:39:01AM
Ken Rich
12/11/14 04:26:24AM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

OK - thanks Michael. I'll give it a whirl.