Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
12/16/14 01:28:48PM
926 posts

Bio, Stats, Tags, all missing

Using Jamroom

Well, all's well that end's well - I have it all working the way I want now - just not sure how it will be for other Ningja users.

I like Paul's code which either gives the sign-up questions or bio under the profile pic. Then a little blip about the artist (and their website link if they wish) is available no matter what landing page is chosen.
Ken Rich
12/16/14 01:04:45PM
926 posts

Bio, Stats, Tags, all missing

Using Jamroom

So basically I required 3 code mods for that column to look right - not sure why?
Ken Rich
12/16/14 01:02:21PM
926 posts

Bio, Stats, Tags, all missing

Using Jamroom

I got stats and tags back by stripping the if isset commands. Shouldn't have been necessary since they were enabled in the skin config????
Ken Rich
12/16/14 12:40:42PM
926 posts

Bio, Stats, Tags, all missing

Using Jamroom

I got the bio back by adding the code Paul had entered in the MSkin. There didn't appear to be a bio/sign-up questions code in Ningja.

I'm going to try stripping the isset and if's from tags to see if they will show.
Ken Rich
12/16/14 12:03:32PM
926 posts

Bio, Stats, Tags, all missing

Using Jamroom

Yes, I have stats and tags enabled
Ken Rich
12/16/14 12:02:48PM
926 posts

Unconverted Videos Showing

Using Jamroom

OK - awesome thanks - I didn't know that.
Ken Rich
12/16/14 10:49:02AM
926 posts

Bio, Stats, Tags, all missing

Using Jamroom

I'm running the latest version of Ningja in profiles but the side column info is not displaying. Is Jamroom aware of this problem and is a fix coming?
updated by @ken-rich: 01/18/15 06:12:15PM
Ken Rich
12/16/14 10:46:31AM
926 posts

Unconverted Videos Showing

Using Jamroom

Unconverted videos are showing on the main video page. They should not show until successfully converted.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/19/15 07:32:16PM
Ken Rich
12/13/14 09:54:14AM
926 posts

"User quota Changes" needs to be shut off

Using Jamroom

No problem - I'm good at pointing out problems - just don't have "click nor clue" how to fix em' - lol