Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
12/17/14 04:45:59AM
926 posts

File Upload Size Limit

Using Jamroom

Have you seen this page?

"How do I increase PHP's upload limit?"

Hi Michael,

That's my point. We have done all that and still no joy.
Ken Rich
12/17/14 04:43:36AM
926 posts

Session Length Too Short

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

It's not that the video uploads are too long, it's that the sessions are too short. I don't get the 8 days or even the default 6 hours. The settings are meaningless, I have to log in many times during the course of a day and my browser is not set to clear cookies.

I suspected it might be because I'm signing in by OneAll but they say the session length is controlled by the system, not them.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the logs about this.
Ken Rich
12/17/14 04:19:29AM
926 posts

How to change the # comments shown?


OK - thanks Michael. I'll try that...
Ken Rich
12/16/14 10:40:15PM
926 posts

How Do I Modify Code - Featuring by Quota - Template Copying

Using Jamroom

It took me a while but I finally have this code working in Ningja and Elastic through all media categories and Members.

I had to copy over some missing play button icons, index row files, and do mods on the index.tpl of the various modules.

However, I now have automated site wide featuring based on quotas, which is a good selling point for subscription services.
Ken Rich
12/16/14 10:28:48PM
926 posts

video watermarked and coversion questions

Ning To Jamroom

OK thanks Michael
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
12/16/14 07:37:58PM
926 posts

Facebook Player - words to right, instead of below...

Design and Skin Customization

It was a Facebook issue. I wrote hem, they fixed it. FYI now there are black bars on each side of the player, but if you make your player black and 440 wide it will appear correct.
Ken Rich
12/16/14 06:58:38PM
926 posts

File Upload Size Limit

Using Jamroom

My server guy assures me it is set for 1 GB and has been confirmed and tested by the data center.

However, the script "instantly" rejects any large file with a message that it is past the limit of .1 GB

The global setting is at maximum 128 MB+. Is there something else in the script or config settings perhaps, that needs to be changed?
updated by @ken-rich: 01/28/15 11:40:07PM
Ken Rich
12/16/14 06:53:51PM
926 posts

Session Length Too Short

Using Jamroom

It doesn't seem to matter if I set session length or cookies (see attached) log ins don't last long enough.

It's particularly irritating if you are uploading a large video file but your session expires and you have to start over.

Why don't the settings seem to have any effect?
Capture.JPG.jpg Capture.JPG.jpg - 39KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/24/15 07:21:31PM
Ken Rich
12/16/14 06:10:57PM
926 posts

How to change the # comments shown?


How does one limit the amount of comments showing on the page?

updated by @ken-rich: 02/01/15 03:47:57AM
Ken Rich
12/16/14 05:06:11PM
926 posts

video watermarked and coversion questions

Ning To Jamroom

I'm trying to make a decision about adding another CPU to the server. I've noticed a normal video file 30-70 MB in size takes about 10 minutes to convert. I'm set to highest priority with one worker.

When it says one worker uses 1 core does that mean the half of a duel core processor? What's a good "rule of thumb" so I have something to base a decision on.

Like is there a notification or warning to look for, if your queue is backing up due to lack of CPU power?
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM