Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
01/07/15 10:07:37AM
926 posts

No Search or Past Events showing on Events page.

Ning To Jamroom

This was talked about in another thread somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

Apparently, according to (if memory serves) Michael, an improved Events page for Ningja was finished about 2 or 3 updates ago.

What I'm wondering, is why hasn't it been released? Was it overlooked or forgotten about somehow, or is it being held-up by something?

An event specific search, and past events by subtabs would be welcome improvements.

updated by @ken-rich: 02/24/15 05:25:09AM
Ken Rich
01/07/15 12:28:48AM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

yeah that's the issue. 'artist' is on a level 1 higher than audio_alternative_artist is.

I tested on my Sandbox site and it's working now. Also, I added back the code I was initially trying to perform the "swap" with, and it's working like a charm. Thanks, going to be some "happy campers" with this one lol

artist: "{if strlen($a._item.audio_alternate_artist) > 0}
Ken Rich
01/06/15 10:48:03PM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

                title: "{$a.title}",
                artist: "{$a.audio_alternate_artist}",               
                mp3: "{$jamroom_url}/{$a.module_url}/stream/{$params.field}/{$a.item_id}/key=Hi9yH4xXiXFK/file.mp3",

add a {debug} into that loop. You need to check that $a contains 'audio_alternate_artist' do a search in the debug panel that pops up (ctrl+f) for the term 'audio_alternate_artist'. If its there, then you can use it. If it isn't nothing will show up.

Hi Michael,

I'm so glad you jumped in here - I am still being asked for this feature, but can't get it working after many attempts.

I don't know by looking at the debug results if $a contains the term, but the term is in the overall list. When adding it in the simplest form as you have in the code example, the term does not show in the player.

Please refer to the attached screenshot.
artist name.JPG.jpg artist name.JPG.jpg - 128KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/06/15 10:48:56PM
Ken Rich
01/06/15 01:03:35PM
926 posts

Meta Tag Mix-up

Using Jamroom

Cool... Thanks Brian...
Ken Rich
01/06/15 12:41:05PM
926 posts

Meta Tag Mix-up

Using Jamroom

I just viewed source - yes that's more like it. That makes sense to me, as it's about what's actually on the page.
Ken Rich
01/06/15 12:00:12PM
926 posts

Meta Tag Mix-up

Using Jamroom

How are you adding the OG meta tags in to the forum post? We're not doing that, so you must be doing that custom.

I'm not doing anything to add OG meta tags in the Forum, unless it's these settings in the meta tag manager. Do they look correct?

og:image site pages
og:title Indie Gospel index.tpl
og:description Indie Gospel is a non-profit Christian social network... site pages
description A non-profit Christian social network...index.tpl
og:title {$item_title} item detail pages
og:image {profile_image} profile pages
og:image {$item_image} item detail pages

The description and image I see in source view (which is scraped on shares) are from my admin profile, not the forum (see below).

og:description" content="
This is the master admin page of Indie Gospel. This network exists to "win souls and feed kids".Please read the FAQ for answers to common questions..." />
<meta property="og:see_also" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

updated by @ken-rich: 01/06/15 12:08:01PM
Ken Rich
01/06/15 10:17:38AM
926 posts

Meta Tag Mix-up

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

What I've done is install AddThis, a similar service as ShareThis, but it's awesome in the sense that it installs itself to EVERY single page on the network, and automatically switches from regular to mobile functionality.

However, it is the same as a manual URL share, in that whatever is present in the source code view is what's being shared.

I've noticed that in the Forum, it's not the item, but the profile description in the source code view, and that's what's being shared.

So, I agree that the metatags SHOULD be about the item, not the profile. However, in practice this is not currently the case, at least not with forum posts.
Ken Rich
01/06/15 09:54:22AM
926 posts

Meta Tag Mix-up

Using Jamroom

In the Forum section, the metatag data is wrong. Instead of taking the description and so on from the forum post, it's taking it from the admin profile.

That's somewhat understandable, since the admin forum was made into the community form. However, it needs to be divorced from the admin profile metatags and have it's own - related to the actual post being shared.

I haven't checked, but Groups will probably have the same issue, since the module was formed from the admin account in much the same way (at least from what I understand).

Does anyone know how to get each network category showing the proper metatags for sharing content? Not just through the ShareThis (where present), but when manually sharing the URL.

In other words, when one shares the URL of a Forum post, a Group (or a page or discussion within the group) a blog, a song, a page, etc., the metadata should relate to that particular URL and it's content, not the OG tags from it's parent profile.

Is that making sense?

updated by @ken-rich: 02/16/15 05:15:23AM
Ken Rich
01/06/15 09:31:09AM
926 posts

I Lost my Profile Menu on Update

Ning To Jamroom

Paul you are a genius - that worked like a charm. Problem solved - thanks so much!!!