Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
01/09/15 05:23:54AM
926 posts

Some Migrated Blogs Missing Pictures

Ning To Jamroom

Yup - that worked... but I don't know now what else in other folders might have gone missing. I guess all I can do is check around?

Also, it would be nice to know what went wrong, so it doesn't happen again to someone else...
updated by @ken-rich: 01/09/15 05:25:12AM
Ken Rich
01/09/15 04:58:03AM
926 posts

Some Migrated Blogs Missing Pictures

Ning To Jamroom

I don't know what caused the problem, but I think I have a solution.

I still have a copy of that folder on my hard drive. It's just called Sept. 15th/blogs/1-1000. After doing some comparisons, files are missing in the server version, but of the ones that are there, the labeling matches.

That tells me it's the right folder and not a mismatch to the JSON.

Therefore, I am going to re-upload the missing media files to the folder and see what happens.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/09/15 04:59:58AM
Ken Rich
01/09/15 01:49:39AM
926 posts

Some Migrated Blogs Missing Pictures

Ning To Jamroom

I think this may have been caused by being the first guinea pig for migration? It appears that pictures were stored in a folder and referenced, but some no longer exist (or didn't transfer).

I think at one point, the way blogs were handled was changed, which may have led to this? At any rate, I seem to be missing pictures all through my migrated blogs. What's weird is the folder obviously exists and the path is good, because it works for some.

For example, this picture is missing but this one from the same folder is not

Any ideas?

updated by @ken-rich: 02/23/15 07:49:19PM
Ken Rich
01/08/15 09:33:46PM
926 posts

Events in Wrong Order

Ning To Jamroom

Never mind - finally found it. Profile Events=> index.tpl=> I changed asc to desc in two places - hope that's right. Seems to work.

{if isset($ts_start) && isset($ts_end)}
            {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search1="event_date >= $ts_start" search2="event_date <= $ts_end" order_by="event_date desc" pagebreak=10 page=$_post.p pager=true}
            {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by="event_date desc" pagebreak=10 page=$_post.p pager=true}
Ken Rich
01/08/15 08:38:07PM
926 posts

Events in Wrong Order

Ning To Jamroom

Awesome that we have search and past events now. However, my events are listed with the last first and first last.

So, for the upcoming events one has top go 18 pages back lol

I know I have to find some type of ascending/descending code somewhere and change it - however I don't know where to find it and what it looks like.

I believe Douglas told me before because I noticed the issue in the Nova skin before, but I can't find the forum post with his advice - sorry.

updated by @ken-rich: 02/11/15 05:54:42AM
Ken Rich
01/07/15 10:24:44PM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

I have reconfirmed that the separate audio and video codes both work in the playlist player, but the "elseif" mash-up of them doesn't. It results in a broken CSS (see screenshot).
playlist.JPG.jpg playlist.JPG.jpg - 38KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/07/15 11:21:07PM
Ken Rich
01/07/15 09:48:54PM
926 posts

How to show different artist name?

Using Jamroom

I now have the code working in the audio/video players, and the album players - but not playlists.

For it to work in the playlist players, I need to tweak the code somehow to account for songs and videos being in the same player at the same time. I know how to make it work for one or the other, but not both.

I need something that says, if it's a song run this:

artist:  "{if strlen($item._item.audio_alternate_artist) > 0}

If it's a video, run this:

 artist: "{if strlen($item._item.video_alternate_artist) > 0}

Perhaps coded somewhat like this, but with the proper statement for (playlist file=video/audio)

 artist: "{if strlen($item._item.video_alternate_artist) > 0} && (playlist file = video)
                    {$item._item.video_alternate_artist}{elseif strlen($item._item.audio_alternate_artist) > 0} && (playlist file = audio)

Does that make sense? If it's close enough to see what I'm trying to do, can someone please enlighten me as to the proper way to code it - thanks.
Ken Rich
01/07/15 01:13:29PM
926 posts

No Search or Past Events showing on Events page.

Ning To Jamroom

But there are two issues that I can see.

First is to add these two fields to the Create and Update Event forms. This COULD be done using the form designer but I have no idea how to link the fields in the form designer with with the existing database fields.

Second is to modify the template to display these fields if they are non-empty.

This is probably an update to the Events module because of the first point.


I think I'm getting you now, and this issue you describe is similar to a process I just went though elsewhere.

Basically, a form field allows the data to be inputted, you check for it with {debug}, and if it is available you put a piece of code to receive it in the appropriate template.

Not a big deal when you know how, but I struggled (I'm not a programmer) through the learning curve on that. Glad I did though, because it's empowering to get a few of these little tricks in your tool belt.
Ken Rich
01/07/15 12:43:20PM
926 posts

No Search or Past Events showing on Events page.

Ning To Jamroom

@indiegospel -

Have you modified your Event page to display the URL that was in the Ning events listing? I don't see it on the page and I think it would be useful. A code snippet would be helpful.

Howdy - thanks for your input. I'm not quite sure I'm "getting" that question.

If you look here all of the "migrated from Ning" events are present at their new URL's. So why would I want to display a list of old Ning URL's, that are now "dead links".

Can you elaborate a little, because either I'm not understanding correctly (very likely), or what you are saying makes no sense. At least not to the way I understand events to be now stored in my server account with the Jamroom CMS (not Ning).
updated by @ken-rich: 01/07/15 12:47:36PM
Ken Rich
01/07/15 11:37:49AM
926 posts

No Search or Past Events showing on Events page.

Ning To Jamroom

The best way to show you is I have Events at two locations, one Ningja and one NingNova.

As you can see, I have a ton of past events showing in NingNova and listed on various subtabs:

In Ningja I have zero past events showing, no subtabs, and no search capability:

I've been waiting on a good events page before inviting my German friend over (a Ning Creator) to check out Jamroom. Events is a big issue for him.

He's pretty smart with the Javacript and stuff, and would be a nice addition to the "family" over here. However, Events will be a deal breaker for him, unless it's enhanced. It's something he has been after Ning to get their act together on.