Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
01/23/15 11:48:38AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

Again quoting the linked document.

Quote: Instead of changing the httpd.conf file directly, you can use the EasyApache interface to configure Apache.

The problem is, he doesn't have the smarts to do that without a procedure. The one thing he is sure of, is that it has to be a permanent change, that won't be overwritten on updates and such. He sees a problem relating to that, in what you have provided so far.

He said one would probably need to "split" the Apache (whatever that means), so that your modifications rebuild themselves and come back after updates and crashes.

I'm probably not the best "middleman" to convey the technical issue he sees, since I don't really understand how any of this works. If you want to contact him directly he is here.

Calvin Layden
Ken Rich
01/23/15 11:16:53AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

No, I haven't personally contacted them. I am only relating my friends interpretation (or misinterpretation) of your guide vs this document from cpanel -

It would be kind of pointless for me to contact cpanel, because I don't really understand any of this. It would be like asking them to explain rocket science to a fifth grader - lol.
Ken Rich
01/23/15 08:09:35AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

Thanks for that info.

I sent him what you wrote above. His response is that the cpanel developers themselves (not him), do not recommend what you are suggesting, based primarily on this article.

Quote: I'm not sure what he means here - Jamroom is not doing anything with your root account, nor storing anything in it.

His interpretation of your guide, is that you are asking him to make changes in root via SSH, to a dynamic config file. In his opinion, what you suggest will work, but may be lost if the system recompiles.

Quote: How and where that is done on your server I don't know.

I think that is the crux of the matter. In a cpanel set-up, the "where" you are suggesting is in a dynamic file that will be overwritten if it recompiles. Therefore, a different approach is required.

Quote: (from the link above) Because httpd.conf is dynamically-written, direct changes to httpd.conf are at risk of being overwritten by the cPanel and WHM software.

He is not qualified to invent a guide to do this safely on a cpanel server. However, he is competent enough to follow a guide (if one becomes available).

Therefore, I am unable to purchase the module until an "idiot proof" guide to installing it on a cpanel server exists. He is afraid it will cause me serious problems otherwise, and refuses to do the install.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/23/15 08:17:32AM
Ken Rich
01/22/15 02:53:02PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

Thanks - I'll let him know what you said and see if that solves it for him.

Meanwhile, if anyone gets it working with cpanel (or can suggest a guide specifically for configuring it with cpanel), can you please let me know.
Ken Rich
01/22/15 01:34:51PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

I really want to get this module working on my network, so I sent the installation guide to my server guy.

He came back with some links and a warning. He said he would not recommend doing it that way!!!

The problem he said, is that root should not be used to store anything, and the changes manually made by SSH that the Jamroom guide suggests, could be overwritten by a panel update, or lost in a crash. There would be no way to restore and even the network itself could be lost.

He suggested there may be a better way, having to do with splitting the Apache. These links are what he is basing his opinion on. Are his concerns unfounded?

updated by @ken-rich: 03/06/15 12:02:15PM
Ken Rich
01/22/15 07:02:04AM
926 posts

Installed Comet Chat - Got Errors

Installation and Configuration

They went into my c-panel and did something. It's working but there are a couple of things I don't like.

One has to login to the network by password, if you use OneAll Social login, Comet Chat doesn't recognize you as logged in.

I've got the version that connects to Facebook and Gplus chat. I don't like if you send someone a link they can't open it.

Comet Chat adds a bunch of gobble-de-goop after the url. So becomes and won't open.

I've let them know, no response yet on either issue.
Ken Rich
01/21/15 05:47:58PM
926 posts

Installed Comet Chat - Got Errors

Installation and Configuration

On installation these errors showed up. Functionally, the bar shows up doesn't recognize anyone as signed in, and doesn't provide a way to login.

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2005): Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost:3306' (2) in /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/integration.php on line 36

Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/integration.php on line 37

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/integration.php on line 39

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/integration.php on line 41

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/integration.php:36) in /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/cometchat_init.php on line 107

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/integration.php:36) in /home/indiegospel/public_html/cometchat/cometchat_init.php on line 107
updated by @ken-rich: 02/27/15 10:13:43PM
Ken Rich
01/21/15 01:13:50PM
926 posts

Can I Restore a Deleted Profile?

Using Jamroom

Hmmmm... I don't want to get into restoring everything, just to get one thing. It could go badly and then I'd really have troubles.

Since she is a Ning migrant, do you think Paul might know a way of reimporting her profile???

I still have the JSON and her media is already on the server. It seems to me that might work, but I've never used the import tool.
Ken Rich
01/21/15 12:05:35PM
926 posts

Can I Restore a Deleted Profile?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

That ID (785) is not there. It goes from 784 to 786 but 785 is missing.

The media folder for 785 was put back by the DB restore tool and I can see it in the c-panel, but it's apparently not registered in the database.

What do I do next?