Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
01/24/15 10:44:45AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Steve,

Yes, your link went straight to the appropriate section of the page, his was to the full page, but it is still the same info.

He has root access, so he can run that. He must have already, because he is concerned about it being overwritten.

At any rate, the data center's "top dog" is on the case now, so there is no sense wasting more time on it until we see what they come up with.

Thanks bunches though for your support on this. Might still be needed depending on what they come back with.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 10:32:32AM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

It actually appears to be the profile_sidebar.tpl that displays the recently rated. That's "included" in the profile_header.tpl

I tried adding a simple width="72" and a style="max-width:72px !important;" to what seems (at least to me) to be the appropriate line, but there was no effect with either.

{jrCore_list module="jrRating" profile_id=$_profile_id search1="rating_image_size > 0" order_by="_updated desc" style="max-width:72px !important;" limit="14" assign="rated"}

I'm afraid that exhausts my rather limited "bag of tricks" - what's next?
Ken Rich
01/24/15 09:27:56AM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

I guess if it's not possible to resize them, maybe you could "prune" animated GIFs out of that list somehow. I'll see if I can implement the width fix for now - thanks.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 08:06:17AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

There is a way of checking if changes to httpd.conf will be overwritten or not by cpanel:

As it turns out, that is the same info he gave us initially and which I linked above at the top of the thread - lol ("It's a Small World After All" - begins to play)

He is well aware of that info, apparently he was trying to get me to make Jamroom aware of it, and see if there was a ready made and tested procedure, so the install could be easily done but take into account that issue.

He thinks that someone (perhaps less cautious) may do the install as prescribed, have clients building in their custom domains, and then have all their work wiped out down the road - which would be disastrous.

If I am understanding correctly - that's the danger he sees and he wants to be very confident of the install procedure, before I take that risk.

He's also not happy that he has to be the one to research it and get the datacenter's "SERVER GOD" involved, instead of being provided with a tested procedure to start with. It costs him time and resources and it's not his script, so I can see his point there. It cost us all time in this long thread as well.

Anyway, I think we are all on the same page now, as far as understanding what the actual issue is. How the resolution plays out is yet to be seen, but I think the datacenter guy will have no problem with this.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/24/15 09:13:08AM
Ken Rich
01/24/15 07:12:33AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

There is a way of checking if changes to httpd.conf will be overwritten or not by cpanel:

Dude - it looks like you are definitely fishing in the right pond there. I'm going to pass this link along to my server guy - this seems to be the very thing he was attempting to communicate to me as the issue.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 07:03:25AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the info. I read it, tried to grasp it, but this stuff is way "out of my league".

If I am understanding correctly, having Apache config changes overwritten is not something unheard of, or dealt with by other people who work with this stuff. That's about all I gleaned from it.

It's like a line from the original Star Trek pilot episode applies to me - "the intelligence of the species is shockingly limited" - but thanks for trying to point me in the right direction anyway - lol.
bigbrain.jpg bigbrain.jpg - 135KB

updated by @ken-rich: 01/24/15 07:13:46AM
Ken Rich
01/24/15 06:52:51AM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

I took a screenshot (attached). That should be self explanatory! If not - I rated a moving Gif image but it display's huge on the profile index page in recently rated. See it live here -
Bug Image.JPG.jpg Bug Image.JPG.jpg - 102KB

updated by @ken-rich: 02/28/15 09:04:57PM
Ken Rich
01/24/15 05:18:09AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hey Ken - rereading this I hope I'm not coming across as arguing - I definitely try not to do that with customers! What I'm reading from this though is:

- your provider doesn't like our setup instructions
- wants us to tell him how to do it differently

Do you see what I mean?


Hi Brian,

No problem dude. I completely understand!!! It must be very frustrating on your end of it. He get's frustrated too, because he sees a danger he wants to protect me from, but I can't understand it, let alone communicate it effectively.

He says he can do what your guide suggests in 5 minutes, that's not the problem. The problem is it will only work until it re-compiles due to any number of reasons, like updates and crashes. The "where" it goes is a dynamic file.

At any rate, I bought the module and my friend has what he calls a "SERVER GOD" from the datacenter looking into it. Not one of their ordinary front line techs, but someone senior and very advanced. They were available by "happenstance" because of something else that is "cooking" - so I got lucky.

He says they are going to put in something custom, whereby my stuff won't recompile and be overwritten like a standard set-up would do. Apparently, for this to work in WHM, something special along those lines is required, but I don't know how to describe it other than that. He has to "dumb it down" when communicating to me.

Quote: Ken - if you want to send me a PN (Private Note) with your WHM login I can look around in there and see if I can spot where it would be added on your server.

Well you are always welcome in my cpanel, but this stuff is going on in root and it almost requires an "act of congress" for him to let someone in there - lol. However, if this stuff doesn't work out, I will suggest it to him - thanks. No really - thanks!!!
updated by @ken-rich: 01/24/15 05:36:46AM
Ken Rich
01/23/15 12:47:29PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

He's a friend who learned servers in the Military. He now has a small server company, so is a hosting provider of sorts, but not on the same level as your preferred host.

From his point of view, expecting the server company to do an advanced custom install, without providing the correct procedure for it, is asking them to spend time and money in support of your script.

He also doesn't want to be "on the hook" if your proposed config changes are overwritten, such that my clients lose their stuff, or the network itself crashes. So he doesn't want me to be the "guinea pig" on this one.

However, I understand that you don't have WHM so cannot give a detailed guide. If you do happen to have someone install it in WHM, please forward the procedure they used and I will buy the module.
Ken Rich
01/23/15 11:50:48AM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Here's something I found Googling - maybe it will help your server guy:

I just noticed this after I posted above. I'll send to him and see if it helps. Thanks.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/23/15 11:51:40AM