Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
01/25/15 01:38:25PM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

The flashing is gone but so are the pictures. Now they don't show at all - lol.

I cleared my browser cache and tried other browsers. I reset image cache - still they just show blank outlines where the pic is supposed to be.

Not sure what to tell you. I appreciate all the efforts on this one, but there still seems to be an issue.
Ken Rich
01/25/15 01:32:37PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Datacenter Guru said:

developer is 100% correct in that last response, adding an include to domain's virtual host is not a problem here in itself, it is rather easy to do and we can basically include any file from any location, the main issue here is as the developer has mentioned one of the trust nature, if you do trust them than sure, this can be added.

I also do not see any potential security risks in doing this which would affect other domains on the server as the include will only be for this domain apache virtual host not for others, so if this gets compromised somehow than only this domain would be affected basically.

we certainly can do this, but there is no /home/indiegospel/public_html/data/media/0/0/apache_server_alias_include.conf file currently under this account structure so we can not generate the include properly, as the file needs to exist so that configuration with include can be generated and saved within cpanel so that it does not overwrite the change.

Can you please check and advise, or should we simply create that file ourselves as empty file?
Ken Rich
01/25/15 01:07:22PM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian - I'll try that ASAP.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 02:28:40PM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

No problem - I'll dig them out now before I forget.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 02:17:14PM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

There were actually 5 GIF's in that folder and all were doing the same thing. I deleted them but have them on my harddrive if you need them for test purposes.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 02:12:21PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Ken - just thought of one other alternate - you could manually copy the file that Jamroom creates to an offline directory and included it there - it's a manual step, but at least that way you let JR "manage" the contents of the file for you.

OK thanks - I'm not really understanding that one, but I'm sure the server guy will. I'll pass it along as an option to consider.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 02:09:15PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on and see if he will finally do the install.

Sorry to put you through all this. However, I'd rather see him be cautious and thorough, than to err in the other direction and be "willy nilly".

Hopefully, he will feel confident enough with the security to do the install now. Thanks again.
updated by @ken-rich: 01/24/15 02:10:29PM
Ken Rich
01/24/15 01:20:51PM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

DUH - ya I forgot to clear my browser cache.

However, now I am seeing this GIF flashing like crazy and it didn't do that before.

Ouch - it flashes in Chrome and Firefox - in IE it actually locks up the browser.

Is their any chance that is being caused by your update? Here's the pic...
updated by @ken-rich: 01/24/15 01:24:23PM
Ken Rich
01/24/15 01:14:45PM
926 posts

Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?

Using Jamroom

From the senior datacenter tech:

I've looked over this addon.

Basically, it comes down to whether you trust developers of the addon or not.

There is a way to include this addon configuration to this site config without it being overwritten by future cpanel upgrades.

However, the fact that this addon configuration resides in public_html is a security risk in itself. If this site or cpanel user becomes compromised, this could affect server security.

That, and the fact that we should include a 3rd party configuration file in your apache config makes this process questionable, as far as potential gains are concerned.

In the end it is up to you. There are risks, but I do not have enough information to evaluate how serious those risks are. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.


So my server guy is now asking for more information on how you secure this in the public HTML. Any pertinent information you could provide would be appreciated, so the risks can be assessed.
Ken Rich
01/24/15 12:03:36PM
926 posts

Recently Rated Gif's not Shrinking in Profile Index...

Using Jamroom

It was easier to add support for animated GIFs to the core Image support, so I just pushed out a new release of the Image Support module (1.3.0) that will now resize animated GIFs - update and that should fix you up.Hope this helps!

Hi Brian,

The update doesn't seem to work. I cleared caches and ran integrity check but the issue remains. See it live here -