Profile Domain Module - Procedure not Recommended?
Using Jamroom
From the senior datacenter tech:
I've looked over this addon.
Basically, it comes down to whether you trust developers of the addon or not.
There is a way to include this addon configuration to this site config without it being overwritten by future cpanel upgrades.
However, the fact that this addon configuration resides in public_html is a security risk in itself. If this site or cpanel user becomes compromised, this could affect server security.
That, and the fact that we should include a 3rd party configuration file in your apache config makes this process questionable, as far as potential gains are concerned.
In the end it is up to you. There are risks, but I do not have enough information to evaluate how serious those risks are. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
So my server guy is now asking for more information on how you secure this in the public HTML. Any pertinent information you could provide would be appreciated, so the risks can be assessed.