Large Video Conversion - Time Out
Using Jamroom
Quote: 01/26/15 07:41:06PM deleted video_conversions queue entry running for 3666 seconds - 3rd time failing
This is a MP4 video file 314 MB in size and about 36 minutes long. The client is in one of my paid quotas, so I want to allow this, he's paying for the server resources.
I have conversion set to the highest level with 1 worker.
1) With 2 workers will it cut the time in half, or just allow 2 files to be processed at once? (Should server upgrade be faster processor or more processors).
2) Where can I increase the 3666 second time cap, so that it doesn't keep giving up. It tried 3 times which means 3 hours of processing 1 hour each. All wasted. If it was set to 3 hours to start with it, it might have finished and not been wasted resources.
3) Did it delete the file for real, or just from the queue? I see it (or at least a record of it) in the datastore. However, I see no way of adding it back to the queue.
4) My host says he has a media conversion package on the server that converts videos really quickly. He's wondering why it's so slow through the script?
updated by @ken-rich: 03/14/15 10:33:40PM