Foxycart no longer working
Installation and Configuration
Also, the Foxycart team has said this about the Jamroom integration. The values in question revolve around the nuances of shipping costs - distance, country, tariffs, and taxes, rather than just a flat rate charge for everyone regardless of actual shipping costs.
"The custom shipping javascript that used to exist in your cart include template I believe was attempting to get those values. It assumed they were sent with the add to cart information, and assumed that there was a domestic and an international shipping price.
I guess at some point the Jamroom integration changed to send the shipping cost as part of a package price of "cart items" instead of sending the items and shipping costs separately. The Jamroom team would be able to speak more to that side of things - as the cart view in your screenshot where it's separate is Jamroom rather than Foxy. The checkout is then Foxy - but we rely on what Jamroom send us for what is being added to the cart."