Forum Activity for @ken-rich

Ken Rich
05/25/16 05:05:57AM
926 posts

Display a New Module Template?

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Michael,

I gave a link to the docs above -

Perhaps it would be helpful to elaborate on my thought process. I'm approaching the subject as someone not trained at programming. My goal is to simply have a page in a module to display a list with similar criteria as the one used in the item-index.tpl

1) I see this:

The reserved template file names are:
Any other file names or directory names that you need can be chosen by you.
That leads me to believe I can create another template and name it whatever I wish as long as it's not a reserved name.

2) I also see this:

The /templates/ directory is the location to store any .tpl files that your module uses.

During a function in your module you can call the templates with the jrCore_parse_template() function.

Example of jrCore_parse_template():
note $_data is an array of values you want to pass into the template


To me, that looks like a special coding function which will allow my new template to show. So I experiment with implementing it, ending in frustration.

3) Then I go the extra mile and search JR again coming up with this info from Paul.

It looks like b360 was asking the same question I have and Paul seems to be saying there is something one must do in the PHP to make the template show. His info is not detailed and the thread is closed, so I end up running more frustrating experiments in the PHP still just trying to get a simple page to display.

4) At this point, I'm convinced there is something I must do in the PHP but I don't understand what it is and where to implement. So I waste even more time looking through PHP codes in the index.php, include.php, and profile.php of various modules to see if I can find an example of the code that makes a template display. This also ends in frustration.

5) So I write in the forum and ask for help because I am clearly lost and what seems like it should be a very simple task (getting a simple page to display) has wasted many manhours.

So in the end, what I am looking to do is put a button in my module that will show on the item_index in every profile. It needs to open a page that will display a simple list from the module's datastore specific to the profile where the button is clicked.

If I am understanding correctly (what Brian has said) then I've been "barking up the wrong tree" the whole time. In other words, I have to put the template in the skin and devise a code that will list the module's items (specific to the profile where the button is clicked) there.

I'm not sure how to implement that so I'll have to experiment again. If my template was going to be in the module then it would have been {$jamroom_url}/{$profile_url}/{$murl}/NEWTEMPLATE.tpl

Now apparently it must be {$jamroom_url}/NEWTEMPLATE.tpl and obviously will not show inside the profile, like other profile pages do. It is also not going to have a profile specific URL. Yet somehow it must display profile specific info from the profile calling it, which seems counter-intuitive at the outset.

So at this point, I'm wondering how that will code and am looking at more time running experiments.
Ken Rich
05/24/16 06:23:39PM
926 posts

Display a New Module Template?

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Brian,

Thanks, I'll try that direction, though the docs seem like they need some editing as they seem to say some templates are reserved but you can name and use what you want outside of that.
Ken Rich
05/24/16 05:00:24PM
926 posts

Display a New Module Template?

Design and Skin Customization

Let's say I want to create a new template running a list similar to the item_index.tpl within a module.

So just for shiggles we call it shiggles.tpl and make a button going to it.

<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$profile_url}/{$murl}/shiggles.tpl" title="Big Trouble No Bubbles"><span class="sprite_icon sprite_icon_30"><span class="sprite_icon_30 sprite_icon_30_img sprite_icon_30_star2"> </span></span></a>

Why is it that the system will not display the template? It won't give me page not found , it will just take me to the profile index.

I've looked at this doc but there is no example of what I am trying to do so it's not very helpful (I'm not a programmer) -

It seems like maybe the same question was asked here but I can't see the answer as applying to my situation.

The new template is simply to grab what's already available just as the current item_index.tpl, does by running an item_list. So why should an array and smarty functions need to be defined in the index.php or include.php as the docs seem to indicate?

I mean I don't see that done in the index.php for the item_index.tpl, so why would a similar template need all that? If it's necessary, where is it already implemented so I can copy?

Maybe it's Profile.Php I should be looking at, but I don't see anything related to that which would help me get the new template to display either.

Can someone simplify in laymans terms what needs to be done here and give me an example to follow?
updated by @ken-rich: 08/30/16 03:20:08PM
Ken Rich
05/24/16 06:48:03AM
926 posts

Sales System Module (Member Storefronts) - User Tip

Design and Skin Customization

I've put together a sales system that integrates with Ningja and probably any skin as a module. There is a video and some info describing it here. It basically allows members to create storefronts and list all of their products on one URL for promotion.

I made it with the xx skin designation but when I have some time to figure out how (it's my first module) I'm going to redo it for the marketplace so everyone can access it.

Meanwhile, just be aware that this is not only possible, it's already been done and works beautifully.
updated by @ken-rich: 08/28/16 07:46:39PM
Ken Rich
05/19/16 09:21:27AM
926 posts

Former Ning CEO Speaks...

Ning To Jamroom

3 cheers for Paul and the Jamroom team for making a way for our networks to survive the Ning meltdown.

I'm a member of JenSocial so I think I'll give her a link to the Ning to Jamroom docs.

It would be a shame for someone of her talents and influence to end up at PHPFox, when she could add so much to the Jamroom platform.
Ken Rich
05/18/16 09:53:47PM
926 posts

Former Ning CEO Speaks...

Ning To Jamroom

May 18, 2016 For what it's worth, finally "heard" from someone involved with Ning, the former Ning CEO - - and Mode Media/CEO, Samir Arora....

Blog post link:
updated by @ken-rich: 08/25/16 08:59:43PM
Ken Rich
05/13/16 10:23:21AM
926 posts

Followers Documentation?

Using Jamroom

I haven't had tome to look into Facebook and Twitter documentation on this but I found a "work-around" for my main feeds. I don't see a way of doing this for profile blogs though, as it requires the setting up of 3rd party software.

However, this does provide a perfect example of what I am trying to accomplish with profile Blog Feeds. It would function exactly like you see when you click this link.
Ken Rich
05/05/16 08:06:57AM
926 posts

Prices on Lists of Downloadables Have Gone Missing

Using Jamroom

Brian found the issue in response to the ticket I submitted.

Quote: the reason these prices are not showing is that there is a check to be sure the list is being shown on a PROFILE before the "item list buttons" will show. Since these lists are NOT on a profile, they are not showing.

That check was added in some time ago, which broke my central marketplace for all but physical products. Since it was removed it is all displaying correctly again.

Brian is double-checking to make sure there will be no issues when purchases are made outside the profile modules for these items.
Ken Rich
05/05/16 05:16:40AM
926 posts

Prices on Lists of Downloadables Have Gone Missing

Using Jamroom

{jrSeamless_list modules="jrAudio" search1="audio_file_item_price > .01" search2="profile_paypal_email like *@*" page=$_post.p pagebreak="5" pager="true" order_by="_created random"}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" search1="audio_album_bundle_price > 0" order_by="_updated desc" pagebreak="3" pager="true" page=$_post.p  group_by="_profile_id"}

I thought perhaps it was the site builder that was in common, so I dropped these codes into a blank template that was MANUALLY created in the skin.

The issue persisted so I don't think it is site builder related. Whatever is going on these are the four things I find noteworthy:

1) The items list but without the prices and ability to buy.

2) Clicking the item and going to its detail page or item list in the profile for that module reveals that the price and buy functionality is working there.

3) The issue is present even in a default skin (Ningja), with a seamless or regular list code, on a site builder or manual template, and whether the price is generated through Paypal or Foxycart for Audio.

4) Physical products list properly only downloadable items seem to be missing the price.
Ken Rich
05/04/16 08:32:43PM
926 posts

Prices on Lists of Downloadables Have Gone Missing

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

No, that didn't fix it. I didn't think it would.

Logically, we should be looking for something common to all downloadables because songs, videos, and files have the same issue as bundles.

For example, this list of songs should all be showing prices. Some Paypal, some Foxycart. If you click a song and go to its detail page you see the price. If you go to the Audio list page of the Profile you see the prices. However, NOT in this list -
updated by @ken-rich: 05/04/16 08:35:10PM