Forum Activity for @boplive

01/24/14 06:43:36AM
346 posts

I want to seperate the images through out the site

Design and Skin Customization

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...i got you...i'm going to give that a try and will let you and Brian know what happened :)
01/23/14 08:48:21AM
346 posts

I want to seperate the images through out the site

Design and Skin Customization

sounds good...will give it a try...tonight...thnx Brian :)
01/23/14 08:08:56AM
346 posts

I want to seperate the images through out the site

Design and Skin Customization

I want to separate the images through out the site

hi guys...the code below is from the jrelastic skin and I believe it control almost all the images through out the skin
as well as the members profile.

What will be my best way of going about having them both different..what can I do to separate a few of the images on the they all don't have the same padding

and margins..etc...should i create a new and different core_image _css file (name it different of course) or just add more info in the original core_image_css file and have that info match the new div class used in the functions.

Hope I explained it well.


Image Tag
margin 1px
height auto

Image Icon
padding 1px
margin-right 12px

Image Outline
margin 1px
padding 1px

Image Outline Link
margin 1px
padding 1px

updated by @boplive: 03/06/14 11:28:10AM
01/18/14 04:34:50AM
346 posts

Jamroom Polling Module


I voted to have this be kool...its another form of interaction with the members...good one Johnc.....;)
12/20/13 10:49:08AM
346 posts

trying to get license to update the ISkin3 I purchase can't find email

Off Topic

Having problem finding email with link or I can update my site with ISkin3 skin 3.0...but not seeing the download in the marketplace.
Below is my purchase from Nate..he told me I get the downloads from here the marketplace.

Your eCheck payment was deposited into the recipient's account on Oct 9, 2013.
Make bank payments instant
| What is an eCheck?

Nathaniel Riggins (The recipient of this payment is Verified)

Shopping Cart Contents

Qty Item Options Price
1 ISkin 3 $49.00 USD
Amount $49.00 USD

Order Description:
Shopping Cart
Item Total:
$49.00 USD
Sales Tax:
$0.00 USD
$0.00 USD
$0.00 USD

Total amount:
-$49.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$49.00 USD

Oct 5, 2013
09:06:10 PDT
updated by @boplive: 20 Dec 2013 08:54:58AM - See more at:
12/19/13 02:52:25PM
346 posts

Can the jrSeamless be used with jrGeo_location?

Installation and Configuration

KOOOL :)....let me see what I can do with that and I will let you know the status.

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction :)
12/19/13 02:30:55PM
346 posts

Can the jrSeamless be used with jrGeo_location?

Installation and Configuration

{jrSeamless_list modules="jrVideo" search1="_jrGeo_location" limit="3"}

updated by @boplive: 01/19/14 02:04:43PM
12/18/13 04:51:19PM
346 posts

The ISkin3 Profile page has an error..

Design and Skin Customization

error: invalid order direction received for - must be one of: ASC, DESC, NUMERICAL_ASC, NUMERICAL_DESC, RANDOM

can you please ge it fix N8.Thanks
updated by @boplive: 12/18/13 04:51:57PM
12/09/13 08:36:38AM
346 posts

image gallery display

Using Jamroom

I have seen this on my Flashback skin / gallery section last of my profiles has at least 6 pics...In the beginning I saw only 1 pic showing for the profile in the section , but now all you see on the gallery section is 3 pics the most showing only when the profile has about 6 pics