Forum Activity for @boplive

06/08/14 05:07:00PM
346 posts

System Tips Modification


I like your modifications request ;) and your right sometimes users get lost on what to do next after they signup or when they log back in..where to go to start adding there media to there profile
06/06/14 04:56:28PM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


It showed up...;)

Now how abt me making this payment for it ...hit me up with your paypal

Also is this code below doable with the ujgoogle map just like the genosis module event um thinking maybe its best to hide them and show only when needed to just in case theres 12 blogs on the page... there not showing 12 maps at one time.unless you click for it.
let me know if you think theres a chance it can work

Show/hide with jQuery

This isn't a difficult thing to do.You need a link or a button (something clickable) and a hidden element. You can initially hide your element using style="display: none;" or set the display to "none" in a css rule and add the classname to the element.
updated by @boplive: 06/06/14 05:06:07PM
06/03/14 08:45:57AM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


i uploaded the new version and left it with how I had it coded and its working..yayyyyyyyyyyyy... :)

but....I'll switch it out how you mentioned the code above when I get home.

Cheers Steve and as always GREAT WORK!

p.s. looking into getting the LifeStream soon :)
06/03/14 07:13:37AM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


It's in the list row template in the Nova skin dir - blogs_row.tpl

I try not to use the ACP template editor
06/03/14 05:38:36AM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


Hi Steve...I had the latest updated jamroom core before updating to 5.2 last night.

I check and there is no other googlemap call tht may interfere

now it looks like I am up to date with the latest version of ujgooglemap. .but im going to double check and get back to you on that...

theres nothing in the error log related to googlemap

tonight..ill give it a try calling it from blog_item_details and see wht happens

also im going to try a different skin...just to make sure its not the Javascript of the Nova skin tht has conflicts..which I know it shouldnt but who know.

thnx fr ur help
06/02/14 06:50:58PM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


hi Steve,
I took off the skin=true and no luck as you see it now...
the blue or the map doesn't show at all on the page...but you do see the spacing in the first blog which is where there supposed to be a map

{ujGoogleMaps_map module="jrBlog" name="map" map=$item height="150" width="300" controls="false" marker="infowindow"}

i even tried taking out name="map"

{ujGoogleMaps_map module="jrBlog" map=$item height="150" width="300" controls="false" marker="infowindow"}

and it left the spacing on top wher the map showed but also no blue boxes
06/01/14 04:57:29PM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


Hi there Steve,

I been messing around with the Ujgooglemap and got it to work. Definitely great work you have done with this.
I'm displaying the function in the Nova skin directory on a custom blog and event page.
what I would like to do is only display a google map when a member or artist adds the location info.
.by using the {if} else {\if} function
Right now if there no location info added ..a blank blue google map is showing
And it looks ugly if there a lots of blue maps on the event or blog page
Do you have any idea wht function will work to hide these extra blank boxes.until the location info is added.

i have ther nova skin

this is the link

this in the blogs_row.tpl underneath the tabs

{ujGoogleMaps_map skin=true module="jrBlog" name="map1" map=$item height="150" width="300" controls="false" marker="infowindow"}

in form designer

my label is called blog_googlemaps label

this is what i have for both blog create and blog update

field: blog_googlemaps

label - blog_googlemaps label

sub label - left blank

help - blog_googlemaps help

type - googlemaps

options- left blank

default- left blank

validation string printable character and html allowed quota

minimum- left blank

maximum -left blank

display groups -quota member

required -checked

active - checked

that about it

06/01/14 11:36:19AM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


Hi Steve...its abt 2:30pm here in New York checking out a Filipino Parade. Which is quite different and interesting ;)
Ummmm...once I get home in a few hours will shoot u tht info...
I5ll start the new thread where you mentioned in the ujgooglemap forum
thnx Ed
updated by @boplive: 06/01/14 11:38:59AM
05/31/14 11:04:03AM
346 posts

hiding a google map with no info added yet


Hi there Steve,

I been messing around with the Ujgooglemap and got it to work. Definitely great work you have done with this.
I'm displaying the function in the Nova skin directory on a custom blog and event page.
what I would like to do is only display a google map when a member or artist adds the location info.
.by using the {if} else {\if} function
Right now if there no location info added ..a blank blue google map is showing
And it looks ugly if there a lots of blue maps on the event or blog page
Do you have any idea wht function will work to hide these extra blank boxes.until the location info is added.
updated by @boplive: 06/01/14 05:39:30PM
04/18/14 09:04:17AM
346 posts

a jrseamless page that has tabs or links like jrSage with the following by name, newest,by ratings,by plays..etc.

Design and Skin Customization

what are the chances that the jrseamless can have a page that has tabs or links with the following by name, newest, by ratings, by plays
or what you guys thinks makes sense...since its pulling so many things not just 1 media...just like jrSage,jrFlashback and so on has

Not sure how to start the setup of it.
Should I try to copy something from jrSage to make it work..
i kind of already tried but no luck
updated by @boplive: 05/18/14 05:32:33PM