Forum Activity for @boplive

05/07/15 04:43:55AM
346 posts

JrElastic disappear after upgrading jrslate

Using Jamroom not there at all.
It disappear when
05/02/15 09:08:23AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrSlate from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.70
05/06/15 05:52:10AM
346 posts

JrElastic disappear after upgrading jrslate

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

Hope ur day or night is going well.
You know..I went to

the skins is not even listed there to's not even in the marketplace under skins link or installed link..?????
And about the sliding menu..referring to the mobile menu..which slides from the left..I'll get you a screen shot
05/05/15 02:56:32PM
346 posts

JrElastic disappear after upgrading jrslate

Using Jamroom

crazy thing just happened to my site.I have the following skins on my site
JrElastic, jrLucid,jrSage, I had JrSlate from a while back,messed around with it at one point with the original site builder. Took out site builder,decided on just to code. been working off clone skin from jrLucid which I called jrYorq.Always upgrade jrElastic no problem, recent upgrade to jr lucid no problem
I recently upgraded jrLucid, jrElastic and my clone skin was still intact.not sure why this time I decided to upgrade jrSlate and when I did.My clone skin header layout just changed by itself no longer sliding menu from the side???? The menu is on top??? WT??? I switch to jrLucid and I see the same thing..header menu now on the sliding menu now taken out from jr Lucid??? For good and if so WHY?
Hoping that if I just delete jrSlate Skin..things Will change back to how it was..tht didn't work still the same header menu after deleting jr slate. so I went back and forth from jrLucid to my clone jrYorq..header did side sliding menu,ran integrity check, clear cache and so on and still nothing.
Well I decided let me check out to see if JrElastic still has the sliding side menu..i landed on jrElastic page in control panel, check the active save and the skin didn't I looked up and I don't see no jrElastic disappear. And No I didn't delete pop up warning came out to click on..Im very carefull.I make sure of that when I change changes and yiu see the ajax image spinning. .it just disappear...The jrElastic skin?????
Below is the activity log of some stuff. .that was updated and deleted

05/02/15 09:08:23AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrSlate from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.70

5/02/15 09:08:14AM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrNewLucid from version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2

04/29/15 12:00:29AM daily_maintenance started

04/28/15 11:11:06PM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrNewLucid from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.104/28/15

11:10:57PM [admin]: successfully updated skin jrElastic from version 1.2.8 to 
updated by @boplive: 06/08/15 09:43:29PM
04/30/15 03:15:34PM
346 posts

Can someone share the Projam 5 Skin homepage event code

Design and Skin Customization

I'll close this request for now and might bring it back again at another time.i just used the ajax of the chart page from jrNova to have the home page with events brought up by the ajax function..not exactly how I wanted to go about it..but ill use it for now
04/10/15 08:28:28AM
346 posts

Having an event upload multi pictures like gallery module


Hi there Paul,

Hope ur doing well..I already did that..;)
You guys recommended that to me before. .but that process is still adding 1 picture to the event to upload at a time..which is uploading pictures in one process just like the jrgallery is just ideal and works better especially if you are at the moment at the event ;)
updated by @boplive: 04/10/15 08:30:05AM
04/10/15 06:49:17AM
346 posts

Can someone share the Projam 5 Skin homepage event code

Design and Skin Customization

Yup...I took another look..that topic is to have a calendar. ..I'm looking for event ajax format...;)
Check out what I have on my test site
updated by @boplive: 04/10/15 06:49:51AM
04/10/15 06:09:04AM
346 posts

Can someone share the Projam 5 Skin homepage event code

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Michael.

thanks for pointing me to rhis. I checked out the link..that's more about the calendar...which I have already..I looking for the event listing in the ajax format..I should had mentioned that ;)..unless I'm reading the link you send me wrong..hmmmmm
04/10/15 06:05:19AM
346 posts

Having an event upload multi pictures like gallery module


Not sure if this has been ask for.
This request is some thing that does make sense and I believe should be part of the jrevent module.Right now your only allowed by default to add just 1 picture to identify any event posted. I do understand that we can use form designer to add more info to be able to add another picture or 2 if we like to that event. Coming from a place like New York and always was surrounded by a nightclub atmosphere, I really feel an event or any events sometimes takes more than just 1 picture to display and be informative with details ,even a video for that event or any event will always do it justice I'm not concern about videos right now just the ability to post more pics in one shot like it is done with the jrgallery. Having that ability with jrevent just make more sense than not having it.
updated by @boplive: 05/22/15 11:56:28AM
04/09/15 02:40:21PM
346 posts

Can someone share the Projam 5 Skin homepage event code

Design and Skin Customization

Hi evryone,
Any chance someone has the Projam 5 skin and can help me out with a certain code from the home page..if they can share that code.This will be from the jrevent calendar block at the bottom of the home page which shows the Scheduled, Newest, Featured jrEvent function. I already have something similar to that setup on my site with 3 tabs but all 3 displays the Newest function, the other 2 output I need it to be different of course ;)

Hopefully someone can help ;)
Thank you
updated by @boplive: 05/31/15 06:23:39AM
03/24/15 05:07:48AM
346 posts

Does anyone have the beta launch page up

Installation and Configuration

Ahhh..ok..yeah I had a feeling the responsive situation had to was not updated to the latest version.

So it's good to know I can add more stuff to the page since that's a splash page..

What I would like to do is keep the email address on it as it has now and add the login form somewhere on to the page itself and the sign up link in the bottom as well to replace the user link in the bottom.

I know you guys have it as a beta launch page..I want to use it as an intro page and use the
1- here my email address add me to your list as a I'm in a hurry to join right now..they give me there email and I send them the link and info to join the site..and they join when they can
2- if your a member already login
3- join the site (if you have time to fill out the signu form)

Hope it make sense ;)
updated by @boplive: 03/24/15 05:12:40AM