Forum Activity for @boplive

11/01/16 06:26:52PM
346 posts

Main picture representing a gallery

Design and Skin Customization

i tried that Michael..its coming out as the following..

thers like 3 pictures that i checked off in one profile and 2 othere pics in another profile..

i'll mess around with it again omorrow..its about 930pm here in NY..going to sleep soon. as i have to wake up at 6am tomorrow..thanks for your help earlier...if theress anything else i should do please let me know..thanks...enjoy your day Michael
updated by @boplive: 11/01/16 06:28:44PM
11/01/16 05:36:47PM
346 posts

Main picture representing a gallery

Design and Skin Customization

i just kept it simple and called it gallery_main
i tried the following ways below but nothing..not even an error

search="gallery_main = on"

search="gallery_main = `on`"

search="gallery_main = `$on`"
10/31/16 06:40:24PM
346 posts

Can a blog ever become an event

Installation and Configuration

Maybe it's someth8ng that I will look into the future :)

Thanks as always Michael..I'll close this out
10/31/16 06:37:11PM
346 posts

Main picture representing a gallery

Design and Skin Customization

Thnx Michael..I went with the second option...adding a checkbox to the individual images in the gallery_detail of the form working on finding the right search in the item_list.tpl for the slider to replace search="_item_id in `$_conf.n8ISkin4_list_2_ids`"
Or maybe i just need to add a search2
updated by @boplive: 10/31/16 06:38:12PM
10/30/16 12:06:08PM
346 posts

Main picture representing a gallery

Design and Skin Customization

Hi giys,

Is there a way that a member can have the option to be able to choose to have a main picture represent and directly relates to all the pitures of the gallery it just created.This to avoided having scattered  pictures all over the index gallery page or pages of the site...I prefer to have members  have the option to choose your 1 main picture to relate to all the pics of the gallery that has a title if a member explores the sites gallery page and views a pic then clicks on that pic then of course the member get taken to the gallery page.this also minimizes to have 100s of pics scattered all over you then have a main picture to direct you to the gallery's not cool at times being direct back and forth to a gallery that you view a day ago if a member added /updated a new pic in there gallery

updated by @boplive: 01/31/17 06:32:15PM
10/07/16 05:10:16AM
346 posts

Will all skins get updated with new timeline

Design and Skin Customization

Will do thnx Michael :)

Sometimes it's just the simple things!
10/07/16 05:08:08AM
346 posts

Can a blog ever become an event

Installation and Configuration

Hi guys,

I have always been curious about this and not sure if it's been ask yet..but if I create a blog about a show I was at..I named it with a title...added a picture to the bog etc..then I realized this will be better off being an to avoided deleting everything and starting all over again is there a way to move the blog from there to an event or gallery..vice versa..I know going into jamroom 5 from Jamroom 4..there's a module to move items from one profile to another..whoch is will there ever be moving and item from one media to another..
Will that ever be doable :)

updated by @boplive: 01/30/17 03:11:04AM
10/06/16 03:22:35PM
346 posts

Will all skins get updated with new timeline

Design and Skin Customization

Yeah I am.but also was trying to add the iskin4 item sliders to that FollowMe skin config file but what I was adding from the iskin4 cause a blank page..I tried it a few times..went blank

So I'll try something else
10/05/16 05:47:52AM
346 posts

Will all skins get updated with new timeline

Design and Skin Customization

Hi guys,

Will all skins get updated with the new Timeline activity function of the FollowMe skin

Hi guys just curious if at any time soon the other skins profile page will get updated with the new Timeline activity that's in the FollowMe skin profile page...I'm not worrying about the index page

Or is this only for FollowMe stand alone skin and we all have to bare with the old activity  layout :(

Just want to know before I go all crazy and customize  my skin even more ;)

updated by @boplive: 02/18/17 09:40:49AM