Forum Activity for @boplive

12/03/16 03:12:24PM
346 posts

Expanding the width of the mobile side menu on any skin

Design and Skin Customization

Yup..that seem to have done it..just adding a simple word to it...then closing it.. :)
Appreciate the quick helps on this..
I just learn more and more from Jamroom.

You guys always rock!

12/03/16 08:51:12AM
346 posts

Expanding the width of the mobile side menu on any skin

Design and Skin Customization

What's going on douglas..I tried that and nothing happened..found that in the core_slidebar.css of FollowMe skin...changed the width to 70%..
I clear cache..integrity check, switch back and forth skins on 3 mobile phones(clear history on the phones) and no luck...i even added the sidebar to work on both tablet and desktop..still just the normal,standard width expansion..:(.. bummer
12/01/16 02:46:14PM
346 posts

Expanding the width of the mobile side menu on any skin

Design and Skin Customization

Before I go crazy exploring  around in the css files or anywhere else..just wondering if the mobile side menu on the mobile function can be expanded a bit more by width so in stead of it sliding out about 1/3 of your phone it expands more than that.
updated by @boplive: 03/08/17 07:13:52PM
12/01/16 02:36:26PM
346 posts

Why was menu side slider function remove from iskn4

Design and Skin Customization

Hi guys,

Hope your Thanksgiving  holiday went well.
Mines was so simple but enjoyable at the same time.

This question is about the side menu function on the iskin4,mogul... used to have a fancy slider, but I see now that it has been exchanged to a simple slider like what the JrNova,elastic has etc...was it because it conflicted with other scripts or you just wanted to keep everything  uniform.
Cause I did like that fancy was kool..
updated by @boplive: 04/13/17 07:26:18AM
11/10/16 01:23:23PM
346 posts

Iskin4-how to increase the slider to 30 from 16

Design and Skin Customization

:( ...

Hey Michael

I increase the slider to 32 items in the index_list.tpl
search="_item_id in `$_conf.n8ISkin4_list_1_ids`"


And I changed the width in the skin.css to double of that which is 360px and that didn't seem to work.

You can check out the test page how it looks
updated by @boplive: 11/10/16 02:01:52PM
11/09/16 03:14:50PM
346 posts

Iskin4-how to increase the slider to 30 from 16

Design and Skin Customization

Hi..hope everyone is doing well..crazy day yesterday with the elections :(

How can I increase the items displaying in the iskin4 slider of the index home page from 16 to any other amount..I tried it by making the change in the first sliding row from 16 to 25 in the index_list.tpl and what happens afterwards is it becomes 2 levels of items sliding all together in that rowr..very weird..I tried

Any other idea I can try..

updated by @boplive: 04/08/17 03:31:29AM
11/09/16 03:06:29PM
346 posts

Will all skins get updated with new timeline

Design and Skin Customization

Oh wow...I was browsing through the demo skins and saw some of the skins with some details of the FollowMe profile there an update soon to these skins you guys are sending out in the marketplace..+

If it is..fantastic :)
11/07/16 02:40:47PM
346 posts

Editing iSkin Basic

Design and Skin Customization

Get the app
is in your js folder/ script.js file

Create share and by most plays
Is in your skin folder / menu_side.tpl file
The thing is that is listed as a wrong word in your lang folder / english.php file..

Which they have itlisted wrong as

the id=2 (create)
Id=3 (share)


"user-create-account" href="$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/signup"j
rCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="2" default="create"
JrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="3" default="account

jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="6p" default="login"

Hope I made sense..typing to quick on a crowded train..:)

updated by @boplive: 11/07/16 02:56:05PM
11/02/16 04:56:33AM
346 posts

Main picture representing a gallery

Design and Skin Customization

Hey Michael that did worked on my test page..thanks for your help on this..
you know I also tried to get this to work on the iskin4 home page index slider and it did not work...but I'm thinking the home page index is pulling from the config file..that is why is may not work and everything stays the same once I added the search="" function in the index_list.tpl file