ads in timeline feed
Design and Skin Customization
I gave that a shot and it worked.
..thank you
Ok so continuing to experiment..
I stood with [3] icons on the top row and for the bottom row; I just kept it with (2] icons like what I provided before Douglass and you tested it out at your end.
The bottom row shifted to the left.
I tried to add the following "table cell" as per below to the bottom row in front of the [2] icons with nothing inside and both icons was now centered and no longer in left side it shifted to the middle
<div class="table-cell">
0 empty in this cell
I'll provide a few screen shots in a few hours from now
<div class="bottom_tab">
<div class="table">
<div class="table-row">
{if $page_template == "index"}
{$tactive = "active"}
<div class="table-cell {$tactive}">
<a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrCore_icon icon="clock" size="24" color="6482B4"}</a>
<div class="table-cell" id="menu_button">
<a href="#">
{jrCore_icon icon="menu" size="24" color="6482B4"}
<div class="table-row">
{if $_post.profile_actions == 'feedback'}
{$eactive = "active"}
<div class="table-cell {$eactive}">
{jrCore_module_url module="jrAction" assign="tUrl"}
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrUser_home_profile_key key="profile_url"}/{$tUrl}/feedback" title="{jrCore_lang skin="jrFollowMe2" id=149 default="Feedback"}">
{jrCore_icon icon="notifications" size="24" color="6482B4"}
<span class="count feedback_count">0</span>
{if $_post.profile_actions == 'mentions'}
{$mactive = "active"}
<div class="table-cell {$mactive}">
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrUser_home_profile_key key="profile_url"}/{$tUrl}/mentions" title="{jrCore_lang skin="jrFollowMe2" id=19 default="Mentions"}">
{jrCore_icon icon="mention" size="24" color="6482B4"}
<span class="count mentions_count">0</span>