jrCore_list random order values
Using Jamroom
I'm not exactly sure where it's cutting off. I currently have 79 quotes and I'm guess it's displaying only the first couple dozen of that total, perhaps. I haven't yet logged that. I'm just noticing that the more recent entries aren't appearing. I have the code in 4 places on my home page. The site is only a couple weeks old and it's a blog so there are no other users.
The jrCore_list:
{jrCore_list module="bbQuotes" order_by="_item_id random" quota_id=1 limit="1" template="index_list_quotes.tpl"}
The bbQuotes module is a very basic Aparna-generated module. Nothing custom in the module itself. I've added one field via the form designer.
{if isset($_items)}
{foreach from=$_items item="row"}
<h2 class="italic" style="color:#4b95e0;">{$row.quotes_quote} </h2>--<h3>{$row.quotes_title}</h3>
I've tried other order_by parameters like _created but the results don't seem to change. I've done full integrity checks and cache resets. I've also re-indexed search FWIW.