jrAparna module
Using Jamroom
Well I'll be. I've always just changed the template in the module folder...
Guess you hate it when updates come out then? Probably don't update because you don't want to re-apply your changes? Use those methods and you can like updating again Well I'll be. I've always just changed the template in the module folder...
No, updates don't really affect my process any more than if I override the template in the skin folder. You override it either way don't you? (I update module templates via the ACP, incidentally).
I'm still trying to understand the issue with Aparna, however. Or rather the thought behind disabling it because new skins are overriding aspects of the module-based template system. Is this an indication that Jamroom will be changing its approach to modules? Seems like we reached this point in the battle between skin and profile in Jamroom history back in the day.