Forum Activity for @blindmime

11/22/15 06:41:58AM
772 posts

Bluehost blank screen

Installation and Configuration


Now this morning, everything was continuing to work fine, then at one point I stopped to get coffee and when I returned I was getting a blank screen on all of my Jamroom development sites again.

So I changed the php to 5.6 (not single php.ini) and they are working again.

I wonder if the php engine is breaking somehow and changing versions is rebuilding it so it starts working again. Sounds like there is an issue with the server's php -- am I right?

Do you happen to know what might cause something like this?
11/21/15 06:53:41AM
772 posts

Bluehost blank screen

Installation and Configuration

I awoke this morning to find that all of my jamroom development sites hosted at bluehost where showing a blank screen.

The fix was switching from the bluehost default php 5.4 to php 5.4 (single php.ini).
updated by @blindmime: 03/13/16 08:08:38AM
11/18/15 03:17:27AM
772 posts

jrEvent Notifications

Using Jamroom

It would be nice to get notifications about events you're following/attending; a notification the day of the event. Would be nice if you could output lists in templates like "This Week's Events" and "Today's Events" on a profile. And a calendar; in addition to a calendar of events you've created, also a calendar of events you're following/attending.
11/04/15 12:21:08PM
772 posts

My Marketplace system broke

Using Jamroom

My VIP subscription appears to no longer be working as I can't access the support ticket system.
11/04/15 03:02:09AM
772 posts

My Marketplace system broke

Using Jamroom

My marketplace system no longer shows my licenses as being active.
updated by @blindmime: 02/04/16 12:37:24AM
11/02/15 05:23:07AM
772 posts

listing one quota above another

Using Jamroom

That's assuming the featured profiles I want listed first are in a quota with a higher numerical value than the profiles I want listed afterwards, correct?

And search3 with its IN clause isn't doing the ordering here. I can't use something like search3="profile_quota_id in 4,6,1" to determine the order?
11/01/15 04:01:15PM
772 posts

listing one quota above another

Using Jamroom

This is my call:

{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" search1="profile_active = 1" search2="profile_category like %`$_post.procat`%" search3="profile_quota_id in 6,1" pagebreak=15 page=$_post.p pager=true}

It doesn't order quota 6 profiles before quota 1 profiles. I don't get any results if I search for "quota_id," by the way.
10/31/15 04:11:34AM
772 posts

listing one quota above another

Using Jamroom

Yeah, I was hoping for a way to do it in the jrCore_list call. Brian says the "in" clause should do it, but that's not working for me. Am I doing it wrong?
10/30/15 03:58:12AM
772 posts

Issue with gallery title apostrophes (and merging gallery images)

Using Jamroom

A user created a gallery called "God's Country".

I have a page which lists images from galleries with "2016 Calendar" in them and she wants to appear on that page. This is where I discovered the issue with changing the Gallery Title and that's been fixed.

She had created a few galleries with variations on the name "God's Country" so I wanted to merge them into one Gallery. But Jamroom doesn't allow me to simply edit the title of one Gallery to be the same as an existing Gallery and thereby merge the two. Please consider that, possibly. Not sure if it's a good idea, all things considered; but I thought I should be able to do that.

So, while not being able to merge them that way, I went to the Batch Editor and changed the Gallery Titles to "God's Country 2016 Calendar". However, Jamroom now called the calendars "God\\\'s Country 2016 Calendar".

So I tried editing the title back to "God's Country 2016 Calendar" in the regular form at that point but Jamroom returned an error saying the Gallery couldn't be found in the database.

So I went back into the Batch Editor and changed the Gallery Title on all of the images to "Gods Country 2016 Calendar". Then went to the form and tried to change the Gallery Title to "God's Country 2016 Calendar" but I got the same database error.
updated by @blindmime: 02/25/16 02:40:38AM