Forum Activity for @blindmime

12/23/15 02:12:33AM
772 posts

Private Tracker

Using Jamroom

How do I make all Issues private in the Issue tracker.?
updated by @blindmime: 03/25/16 05:12:48PM
12/22/15 04:13:02AM
772 posts


Installation and Configuration

My company hosts a small mix of Wordpress, Jamroom and HTML/php websites and after experiencing great things with jamroom hosting I've been looking at moving them to linode as well. These are apart from the jamroom sites I'm hosting on Jamroom Hosting.

I've followed the documentation here for setting up a Digital Ocean server and have hit a couple snags. Wondering if the docs are not up to date.

Is Ubuntu 14.0.4LTS recommended for Jamroom? It doesn't seem to want to install php5-suhosin. When configuring virtual hosts it seems to require the conf file be named with .conf
updated by @blindmime: 03/25/16 09:49:51PM
12/18/15 08:56:36AM
772 posts

function to list users in a quota

Using Jamroom

I'm not looking for a live search. The function above sits in the option field in the form designer. Is there a function that will populate the dropdown with users from a specific quota? Is the a doc with a list of available functions that we can use in this fashion?
12/18/15 06:41:59AM
772 posts

function to list users in a quota

Using Jamroom

I the Issue Tracker module the dropdown list to assign possible users to assign is filled with the jrTracker_get_profile_users function. I would like to change this to a list of all users in a specific quota.
updated by @blindmime: 03/18/16 10:15:41PM
12/17/15 07:35:35PM
772 posts

installing aparna modules on other sites

Using Jamroom

I've used different developer prefixes. What's the best way to change the prefix on an installed module?
12/16/15 05:30:21AM
772 posts

installing aparna modules on other sites

Using Jamroom

I've created a few modules with aparna and loaded them on multiple sites. Is there a better way to bring along all the variables and form than recreating again in the form designer?
updated by @blindmime: 03/23/16 09:09:25AM
12/14/15 09:35:34AM
772 posts

issue tracker assignments

Using Jamroom

I think I figured it out. I guess you would create a profile as your Issue Tracker profile and then assign that profile to the users you want to have access to those issues.
12/14/15 09:22:39AM
772 posts

issue tracker assignments

Using Jamroom

how are issues assigned?
updated by @blindmime: 03/25/16 10:26:13PM
12/10/15 03:28:55PM
772 posts

foxycart: unknown gateway error

Using Jamroom

The customer called, and she got a similar message, but I don't see anything other than the email from Foxycart. Does Jamroom not store anything before sending the transaction to Foxycart?