sql inserting profiles
Using Jamroom
There aren't duplicates. I can change the value, update, then change it back to the original value.
But I understand it's not an optimal method. Or even wise. Haha. You ask how I'm importing. I've just constructed a series of sql inserts to match what I see in the database. I've done this before with thousands of records. Maybe jr5 allowed more crazy.
I looked at the importer when you first announced it, but recall you saying csv importing wasn't an option. When I click the documentation button in my jamroom install it tells me nothing is found, but I did find some by doing a search. It says something about further details about structure to be found in an appendix which is awaiting content.
Anyway, I've proceeded onward but I've not been able to get anything to export so I can see the structure of the json file I would need tp create in order import profile data. I'm guessing I could parse my data into that structure like I constructed the sql insert statements.
I'm guessing I create the json files and put them here? modules/jrExporter/plugins/CSV/samples