Forum Activity for @blindmime

07/01/17 05:33:04AM
772 posts

sql inserting profiles

Using Jamroom

Thanks, Paul. When I click the export pre-formatted CSV file contents to JSON I see no file options to select. Where do the pre-formatted CSV go so they are seen?

I see in the docs that I can add a profile image with the import. Is the file url an external url or does it need to be in a specific place within the jamroom directory?
06/27/17 03:56:29AM
772 posts

Recurring events have no image


Yes. 1) Some events are just one day. 2) Some are multi-day (i.e., from Friday to Sunday). 3) Some are recurring (i.e., every Saturday). All of these periods of time are very common. 1) Concerts, gigs, etc., 2) Festivals, retreats, etc., 3) Radio shows, House bands, summer concert series, etc.
06/27/17 03:50:37AM
772 posts

Guestbook entries not showing

Using Jamroom

I believe I've found it. Anyone logged in can view the GuestBook form and submit it. But your submission will only show if you belong to a quota that shows a guestbook on your profile. I would think showing a guestbook submission shouldn't be based on whether your quota shows a guestbook on your own profile. For instance, you might not want guestbooks on your admin profiles, just on your artist profiles. But you'd want the submissions you post as an admin on artist guestbooks to show. Currently, according to my tests on 3 different jamrooms, they don't under this configuration.
06/26/17 08:42:33PM
772 posts

Guestbook entries not showing

Using Jamroom

I think a value of 0 means they are NOT pending approval. None of the quotas require approval in any event.
06/26/17 02:16:20PM
772 posts

We need your ratings and reviews!


I had a review from 12 years there. I add another. Your level of service and dedication to this project amazing, Brian.
06/26/17 11:17:19AM
772 posts

Guestbook entries not showing

Using Jamroom

Here's the data. Profile is visible to everyone.
screenshot_965.png screenshot_965.png - 85KB
06/26/17 09:25:00AM
772 posts

Guestbook entries not showing

Using Jamroom

I'm trying to track down an issue I see on multiple jamrooms. Some guestbook entries are not showing. I can see them in the data browser. But I get the "no entires..." message on the guestbook index page. When submitting an entry it acts like something has been entered, but nothing shows up.

Attached is a listing from the database. The entries with _profile_id 1 are showing, but the other one isn't. Entries from this user are not showing.
updated by @blindmime: 10/02/17 08:15:10AM
06/26/17 08:38:59AM
772 posts

Recurring events have no image


Yeah, I think the issue happens when you update a non-recurring event and make it recurring. Or it may have happened when I created an event and then changed the settings to allow for recurring events and then updated that event to be recurring. So, possibly just a one-off thing not to worry about.

I do also have some confusion over having to set the final day of a multi-day event when the event is actually a recurring event.
06/21/17 10:08:10AM
772 posts

Recurring events have no image


When you make an event recurring, only the initial event item has an image. I'm thinking each event should have the same image.
updated by @blindmime: 10/04/17 07:13:35AM
06/12/17 10:31:50PM
772 posts

sql inserting profiles

Using Jamroom

There aren't duplicates. I can change the value, update, then change it back to the original value.

But I understand it's not an optimal method. Or even wise. Haha. You ask how I'm importing. I've just constructed a series of sql inserts to match what I see in the database. I've done this before with thousands of records. Maybe jr5 allowed more crazy.

I looked at the importer when you first announced it, but recall you saying csv importing wasn't an option. When I click the documentation button in my jamroom install it tells me nothing is found, but I did find some by doing a search. It says something about further details about structure to be found in an appendix which is awaiting content.

Anyway, I've proceeded onward but I've not been able to get anything to export so I can see the structure of the json file I would need tp create in order import profile data. I'm guessing I could parse my data into that structure like I constructed the sql insert statements.

I'm guessing I create the json files and put them here? modules/jrExporter/plugins/CSV/samples