Forum Activity for @paul

06/14/19 11:47:12AM
4,335 posts

Comments on Timeline not working

Using Jamroom

Try it now. I've disabled your Disqus module. With the templates in the jrFollowme skin, if Disqus is enabled, Comment forms are not.
Sites don't need both modules enabled normally.
06/14/19 09:05:27AM
4,335 posts

Comments on Timeline not working

Using Jamroom

Your members quota, which most of your user profiles belong to (including @dubophonic in your above screenshot), does not have the Comment module enabled for it, so none of their items will show the comment form on their item detail pages.
Maybe that is the issue?
06/14/19 07:45:11AM
4,335 posts

Comments on Timeline not working

Using Jamroom

When you click on that comment icon you are taken to the relevant item detail page and you comment there.
Is that not happening for you?
06/14/19 03:26:51AM
4,335 posts

jrBlog Module Clone

Jamroom Developers

I was seeing this issue but after clearing your caches it all seemed to come good.
Check again and let me know.
06/14/19 03:06:18AM
4,335 posts

answer on comment

Installation and Configuration

Can't think of any reason why items having images associated with them would affect the ability to comment on them, so that might be a red herring.
Any template customisations that might be causing this?
I'd first check your Comment module quota settings to make sure they are enabled for the users creating these items.
I'd then temporarily change to the Elastic2 skin to see if the same happens with that.
06/14/19 01:54:28AM
4,335 posts

odd issues from pending images

Using Jamroom

Have tried this and not seeing an issue.
Can you detail how I can replicate it?
06/14/19 01:49:12AM
4,335 posts

DNS Records

Jamroom Hosting

This was a site configuration issue and has been reslolved.
Marking as 'solved'.
06/13/19 08:22:34AM
4,335 posts

Audio upload issues

Installation and Configuration

Any errors that look relevant in the logs?
06/12/19 07:17:37AM
4,335 posts

Youtube Module deleted tumbnails after running Youtube Integrety check

Installation and Configuration

The YouTube Integrity Check tool pulls data directly from YT for each uploaded video. That data contains the URLs to the thumbnail video image. If that data is different to what is stored on the Jamroom YouTube datastore, the Jamroom data will be updated.
I have checked this on my test sites and it works ok so can only assume that the data your site pulled from YT had those image URLs blank for some reason.
I'd suggest that you run the tool again in the hope that this was a glitch at YT's end and this time, their data does contain the thumbnail URLs, in which case, the Jamroom YT datastore will be restored.