Forum Activity for @paul

07/18/19 07:05:54PM
4,335 posts

Glitch with Private Groups

Using Jamroom

Thanks @strumelia
Like me see if I can replicate this then decide what to do about it.
07/18/19 06:41:40PM
4,335 posts

Liked Items order

Using Jamroom

I think is from when we changed the Like module database schema from a datastore to a table not so long back. When getting liked items from the database they are not ordered as they were previously.
I'll check it out.
07/18/19 03:53:08AM
4,335 posts

Spam Blocker query

Using Jamroom

Checking for posted URLs for users in probation is a global setting so if checked, happens regardless.
The module's quota settings, if enabled, will check user posted text fields for further spam, even after the probation period. Presumable you do not have these checked, hence the 'inactive' notifications in the quota compare table.
Hope that makes sense?
07/17/19 10:28:10PM
4,335 posts

SOAPI and Jamroom

Jamroom Developers

Hi Matthias
Haven't used SOAP. I assume its a method of pulling metadata and files from another site or server?
If so, a custom module would be needed to either import the SOAP items directly, or to create files that the Jamroom Importer/Exporter modules can use -

Either way, if you point me to some SOAP specifications and developer/user guides I may be able to offer further help and advice.

07/17/19 07:39:10AM
4,335 posts

Change Owner of Comments

Using Jamroom

Hi Lorna
Have just tried the ChangeOwner module on comments on my test site and it is working but I can see reasons why you might be having trouble with it on your site.
I will revisit the module and update it so that it works better on a large site like yours.
07/16/19 09:26:09AM
4,335 posts

Change Owner of Comments

Using Jamroom

Hi Lorna
Most datastore items in Jamroom (Blogs, Audio, Video items etc.) have a title field and this is a convenient, identifiable thing to search for when wanting to change an item's owner. Unfortunably, Comments are an exception to this and only have the comment text, so that is what is searched.
I agree that can make thing difficult. I will check the module out to see if it can look for the comment item ID as well.
07/14/19 03:58:15AM
4,335 posts

social networks

Using Jamroom

This cannot be done from Jamroom.
Maybe contact to see if its possible from their end.
07/10/19 08:43:34PM
4,335 posts

Limited streams before signup

Using Jamroom

Checkout the 'Module Developer Guide' in our documentation (item 7)
07/04/19 02:49:19AM
4,335 posts

Limited streams before signup

Using Jamroom

You would need to build a custom module for this.
As the visitors are not logged in you would need to count the streams to their IP address, then, when they are logged in and paid up, you could log streams to their user account.
07/03/19 08:11:50AM
4,335 posts

Migrating Vbulletin 4 Forum To Jamroom Question

Off Topic

If you can export vbulletin forum data and the data of the users that posted on the forum, there's a chance that it can be imported into Jamroom using our Exporter and Importer modules -

Your vbulletin data would need to be formatted into CSV files. Details in the above documentation.

As for maintaining URLs that would be more difficult. I do not know the URL structure of vbulletin boards but the Jamroom forum URL structure is what you see here on this forum (this is a Jamroom site).
We do however have a URL Mapper module that may be of help -

Hope this helps