Forum Activity for @paul

07/27/19 07:12:44PM
4,335 posts

Media url scanner - list of urls in Data Browser

Using Jamroom

Unfortunately the only way to do this (that I can see) is at a database level.
If you launch the database admin from the Developer Tools page and open the jr_jrurlscan_url table you will see the URL alongside the user_id. You'd then need to cross-reference the user_id with the user name in the user datastore.
Its a bit long winded I'm afraid.
07/25/19 09:20:34PM
4,335 posts

SOAPI and Jamroom

Jamroom Developers

Hi Matthias
We will discuss this next week at our team meeting to work out what can be done.
Will let you know asap.
07/25/19 09:16:54PM
4,335 posts

users not getting downdoad after purchising

Using Jamroom

Is this on the site?
The first thing I notice is that you have both the PayPal and Payment modules active and enabled for the same quotas. This is not a good idea. The PayPal module was developed as an alternative to the then FoxyCart and now Payment modules. Having them both enabled likely confuses things.
Having said that, I'm still not sure what your issue is. With which module were the items purchased? You say that downloads are not available and then that no money collected, so if both are true, that could explain things in that the user payment failed for some reason?
Please provide details of which items were purchase, and by who, that are not available to them.
07/24/19 10:24:52PM
4,335 posts


Ning To Jamroom

If the saved Zoom video/audio files are in any of the formats that Jamroom supports, they can just be uploaded as regular media files.
07/24/19 10:18:36PM
4,335 posts

jrFollower change?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian - Yes, forgot that was the way to do it now. Sorry :-)

@blindmime - The jrCore_list call to use now would be -

{jrCore_list module="jrUser" follow_profile_id=$_user._profile_id . . . etc . . .}
07/23/19 07:41:13PM
4,335 posts

Aparna or something similar might help

Jamroom Developers

Support for the Aparna module was discontinued some time ago. It was a fairly basic module to create a basic 'datastore' module that could then be further developed using the Form Designer.
As overall Jamroom functionality then progressed with more featured etc. it became more difficult to support these in Aparna, hence its removal from the marketplace.

What you outline above would not be a datastore module anyway, so in this case Aparna would not be helpful. I suggest you checkout our Module Development docs - - A module to develop a few smarty functions could be developed as a single 'include.php' file.
07/22/19 10:02:21PM
4,335 posts

jrFollower change?

Using Jamroom

The latest Follower module doesn't use a datastore any more so the 'jrCore_list' call isn't going to work now.

To show this on the index page now you might need to use the Follower module functions directly. Checkout the jrFollower_get_profiles_followed_by_profile_id($profile_id) - That should return an array of profiles followed that can then be used by the template -

{$_items = jrFollower_get_profiles_followed_by_profile_id($_user_id.profile_id)}
{if isset($_items)}
{foreach $_items as $item}

         <div class="p5 center" style="position:relative">
            <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$item._profile_id size="large" crop="auto" class="img_scale" width=false height=false alt="{$txt|jrCore_entity_string}" title="{$txt|jrCore_entity_string}"}</a><br><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">@{$item.profile_url}</a><br>
07/19/19 10:21:58PM
4,335 posts

Glitch with Private Groups

Using Jamroom

I'm thinking that the best way for you to resolve this is at a template level. It's not straightforward to do this within the modules. It would add extra options that would not be required by most other users.
What I suggest is just adding code to the GroupDiscuss template(s) that test for a private group and if true, don't show the like buttons.
Let me know and I'll check it out for you.
07/19/19 03:21:45AM
4,335 posts

Liked Items order

Using Jamroom

Cool. The next release of the Like module will include this fix.
07/18/19 09:56:32PM
4,335 posts

Liked Items order

Using Jamroom

I've patched the Like module on your site to hopefully fix this. Let me know if it looks ok now.