Forum Activity for @paul

08/21/19 04:43:36AM
4,335 posts

360 degree images for Embed Local Media?

Jamroom Developers

This could probably be done as a module that would include the script(s) to process and show the 360 degree image.
Have just searched and there does seem to be suitable scripts available but as Jamroom is actively moving away from third party scripts (they invariably cause support issues down the road), this would need to be a custom module.
08/21/19 04:28:10AM
4,335 posts

Shopping cart pass specific file in sale

Jamroom Developers

Actually, there is the means within the Product module to set up product variations such as tee-shirt or coffee sizes, but that module is for selling 'tangible' items and not downloads.
What you might need to do for downloads is to create each downloadable variable as seperate items, then customise the detail template to group them all (maybe by a custom form field with a group ID in it) to show all options on the same page.
08/01/19 12:06:41AM
4,335 posts

SOAPI and Jamroom

Jamroom Developers

Hi Matthias
Can you create a support ticket with details of your SOAPI endpoint and credentials along with details of how to use it to get some of your data that wants importing?
We need to get a feel for the job, the data format and how it might line up with the Jamroom formats in order to take this project further and to be able to quote you for it.
07/31/19 02:08:38AM
4,335 posts

CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule

Jamroom Developers

If the module quota settings is just 'on/off' you don't need a quota.php file. Just include the following in the module's init function (in the include.php file) -

    // Core support
    jrCore_register_module_feature('jrCore', 'quota_support', 'myOranges', 'on');

07/30/19 11:09:36PM
4,335 posts

modules showing on a profile quota that that are not assigned to

Using Jamroom

The 'radio' profile in the above link is in the 'RADIO' quota and that quota has both Blog and Playlist modules enabled.
07/30/19 08:49:49PM
4,335 posts

Query Error: Table 'myDatabase_name.jr_jrfollower_follow' doesn't exist

Installation and Configuration

That's good.
You were likely running an old version of the Follower module that used a datastore database structure. The latest version uses a database table which was missing, so getting the latest version fixes it.
07/30/19 06:38:46AM
4,335 posts

Embed module

Using Jamroom

Have sent you the Aparna module.
Please note that we no longer support it so cannot answer any questions about it.
07/30/19 04:41:31AM
4,335 posts

Embed module

Using Jamroom

Quote: is there a way to create a template in JR ?

If you clone a skin and switch to it, under the Templates tab you get the option to create new templates for that skin.

Quote: can you send me back a copy of the module maker that was in Developer Tools ?

Do you mean the Aparna module?

07/29/19 02:49:42AM
4,335 posts

Change Owner of Comments

Using Jamroom

Hi Lorna
Sorry for the delay on this. I'm actually out of the country atm and not getting as much Jamroom work done as I'd hoped. I'm back home this weekend so will take a look at this early next week.
Hope that's ok.
07/29/19 02:44:45AM
4,335 posts

Embed module

Using Jamroom

You are including the smarty media player call as part of the editor content. This will not work as they will not get parsed. They need to be part of a template.