Forum Activity for @paul

09/27/19 01:02:49AM
4,335 posts

Tag clouds for specific content and specific display locations

Using Jamroom

fyi, what Michael says above would return tags for all that profile's blogs. You could expand the search to specific blogs (or other items), eg. -

{jrTags_cloud profile_id=$_profile_id search="tag_module = jrBlog" search2="_item_id = $item._item_id"}

The $item._item_id variable would be available on the item list and detail pages.
09/23/19 09:49:59PM
4,335 posts

exlude profiles addition


You can exclude profiles in a specific quota by including the search “profile_quota != x” in the jrCore_list calls.
Would that do what you want?
09/23/19 12:44:37PM
4,335 posts

ninja template issue

Design and Skin Customization

Have just tried this and the code created looks ok.
'$aurl' is just a variable used in the template and not particular to the Audio module, and as $aurl is used throughout the same template, it will be ok.
The only uses of 'song' instead of 'discussion' I can see are in comments so again, not affecting any code generation, but there is the "default='Music'" instead of 'Discussion' in a language call that I'll get fixed up.
Thanks for letting us know about this.
09/23/19 09:42:16AM
4,335 posts

ninja template issue

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks. It looks like a bad case of copy, paste, then don't edit properly ;-)
We'll get that fixed up.
I assume the actual code created is ok and that listed discussions don't have any music references in them?
09/20/19 08:48:38AM
4,335 posts

javascript trickery to wipe a site from history on leave?

Installation and Configuration

Have just googled again - - and there is quite a bit about this, including some scripts that claim to work -

Maybe checkout some of the other search results?
09/20/19 07:06:01AM
4,335 posts

javascript trickery to wipe a site from history on leave?

Installation and Configuration

I did a search for javascript to clear history and it looks possible with some browsers, but not all.
09/19/19 01:04:52AM
4,335 posts

Audio Bug?

Design and Skin Customization

This is working ok for me.
Check your Form Designer settings as Michael suggests.
09/15/19 08:06:21AM
4,335 posts

simple forms phone number


Will create an internal tracker for this so that its potentially on our 'to do' list.
09/14/19 04:35:28AM
4,335 posts

simple forms phone number


This can be done, of course, but wondering how many phone number formats, world wide, it would have to cater for? And all the different ways of writing a phone number (spacings, country code in brackets etc.).