Forum Activity for @paul

12/01/19 05:41:36AM
4,335 posts

Remove Hidden Songs

Using Jamroom

Sorry for the delay responding here.
There is no inbuilt way of doing this so something custom would be needed. The main issue with this deciding which songs to keep (most recent, most played, whatever). You'd then need to enter how many to keep, though this could be based on their quota settings. The same would apply to any othe items that are limited by quota, blogs say - keep most recent, keep those with most comments?
The upshot is a module that could end up being fairly complex.
12/01/19 05:29:57AM
4,335 posts

JR4 to JR6 Export and Import

Installation and Configuration

The Jamroom 4 to 6 import modules do not support importing individual users to specific quotas, only all users in a 'source' quota to a 'target' quota.
11/21/19 12:48:15AM
4,335 posts

tracking number of members posting PLUS number of posts in total each month?

Ning To Jamroom

Core 6.5.0 which includes these dashboard option should hopefully be released within the next few days, after final testing. The new option will only show daily and monthly counts, and not who has posted.
11/14/19 01:17:46PM
4,335 posts

Embedding images - "Previously uploaded" list

Using Jamroom

These images are stored on the 'Editor Image Uploade' module's datastore so can be deleted by admin via the ACP using the module's Tools=>Datastore Browser.
I guess we could add a delete option to each image as shown to users so that they can do it theirselves, but this requirement has never come up until now.
I'll look into it and maybe put it on our 'to do' list.
11/14/19 03:56:45AM
4,335 posts

Jamroom is not posting to artist on Facebook

Using Jamroom

The content of that Facebook field is just used in the footer template -


So in this case the URL would be , dubbscientist

which doesn't work. It needs to one or the other.

Alternatively, edit the footer.tpl template to use both as follows -

{if strlen($_conf.jrXDubMusic_facebook_name) > 0}
    {$_x    = explode(',', $_conf['jrXDubMusic_facebook_name'])}
    {$_x[0] = trim($_x[0])}
    {$_x[1] = trim($_x[1])}
    <a href="{$_x[0]}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="24" height="24" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_x[0]} on Facebook"}</a>
    <a href="{$_x[1]}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="24" height="24" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_x[1]} on Facebook"}</a>

updated by @paul: 11/14/19 03:59:47AM
11/11/19 01:56:10AM
4,335 posts

Can I build a new site and then import members from old site?

Using Jamroom

What you propose could work but you would first need to clone any skin work on the new site to a new skin so that it doesn't get overwritten during the import. There would then be a lot of work to delete all the unwanted content and removing the unwanted modules/skins etc.

What I would recommend is looking into the Importer/Exporter modules instead -

Using these modues you can selectively export/import just members/blogs/groups etc. See attached screenshot. This may make the whole process easier for you.

Quote: (b) Will members of the old site be able to login to the new site, at the new domain, with the email, username and password details they are using at the old site?


Screenshot 2019-11-11 at 09.53.44.png Screenshot 2019-11-11 at 09.53.44.png - 65KB

updated by @paul: 11/11/19 01:56:43AM
11/06/19 09:44:10AM
4,335 posts

Updating image tags

Using Jamroom

In order to get the tag disassociated from existing, incorrectly tagged images, I have to add the deleted tag again and delete it for a second time. Not a problem, but I'm just mentioning it for others who might notice the same issue.

Yes - That would be the case.
11/06/19 09:20:12AM
4,335 posts

Updating image tags

Using Jamroom

Latest Item Tag module with this fix now in the Market Place.
11/06/19 08:46:53AM
4,335 posts

Updating image tags

Using Jamroom

This is fixed in the next release of the Tag module.
Thanks for letting us know of this issue.
11/06/19 06:06:41AM
4,335 posts

Updating image tags

Using Jamroom

Checking this out...