Forum Activity for @paul

03/02/20 08:15:02PM
4,335 posts

How do I edit the contact form ?

Using Jamroom

ACP=>Forms=>Simple Custom Forms

Cick on the Settings button of the appropriate form to edit it and its wording.

03/02/20 12:47:12PM
4,335 posts

How do I edit the contact form ?

Using Jamroom

You can edit the text, change the field type and add more fields by clicking on the Form Designer button (top right) when logged in as a Master Admin.
02/26/20 11:47:40PM
4,335 posts

users still not getting download

Using Jamroom

I'm not seeing any evidence in your database of this user making any purchases.
What did he buy?
When did he buy it?
And most importantly, did the purchase complete and is the money in your account?
02/26/20 12:32:29PM
4,335 posts

Location of Private Profile Code

Design and Skin Customization

This should happen by default. See my screenshot.
updated by @paul: 02/26/20 12:32:44PM
02/26/20 06:34:22AM
4,335 posts

Invitation to private groups

Installation and Configuration

Hi Swen
As said, Jamroom doesn't support users being added to groups by the group owners. What you would need to do is enable group applications then invite the users either directly, or via the Invite module. When they have then all joined, you can then disable group applications.
Off course, this could be done directly on the database. The 'jr_jrgroup_member' table is the one you'd need to add rows to. You would need to know the 'user_id' of all users you want to add. YJou'd also then need to adjust the 'group_member_count' entry for the group in its datastore table - 'jr_jrgroup_item_key'.
02/26/20 05:43:05AM
4,335 posts

Invitation to private groups

Installation and Configuration

You do need to check the 'Allow Applicants' box. If it is a Private group, the group owner will be notified. If the application is then accepted, the applicant will be notified and will then have access to the group.
There is no way for users to be added to groups without their consent or knowledge.
02/12/20 08:08:48AM
4,335 posts

Lock user input for some fields in own module

Jamroom Developers

You can add a 'readonly' to the jrCore_form_field_create array and this will gray out the form -

           $_tmp = array(
                'name'     => 'product_qty_ignore',
                'label'    => 'Membership Number',
                'type'     => 'text',
                'value'    => $membership_number,
                'readonly' => 'readonly',
                'required' => false

Hope that helps?
02/12/20 05:27:27AM
4,335 posts

Support Ticket mailbox admins quota selection issues

Using Jamroom

Welcome to Jamroom :-)
This is a bug and we'll get it fixed asap.
Thanks for letting us know about it.
02/11/20 04:51:43AM
4,335 posts

Add forum

Using Jamroom

Yes - See the support ticket thread and my last question to you.
02/10/20 08:20:40AM
4,335 posts

User post is saved in database but doesn't show up in forum

Using Jamroom

Hi Elise
Have fixed it up on your site. The problem was actually the three consequative full stops in the second paragraph -

Quote: protection etc...). List all

I edited it to just one and all is ok -

Quote: protection etc.). List all

Not sure as yet why this should have broke it, but guessing its to do with the Smiley module so will try to replicate the issue on my test site and fix it up.