Forum Activity for @paul

04/28/20 02:31:51PM
4,335 posts

Unable to FTP your software to my hosting

Using Jamroom

There is no 'install' script as such, it all happens when you first access the site.

Be sure that the .htaccess file has been uploaded to the Jamroom root folder. It is a 'hidden' file and by default, FTP clients might be set to ignore them.
04/27/20 04:42:43PM
4,335 posts

Unable to FTP your software to my hosting

Using Jamroom

Try using SFTP if your clients allow it, but also contact your hosting again to see exactly what settings and parameters are needed to FTP to their servers. There's also the 'max users' error so they might need to up that as well.
04/27/20 02:11:18AM
4,335 posts

Proxima suggestion


What Michael said, but if you do want to continue using the Proxima skin, edit the footer.tpl template to remove/replace the social media links.
04/25/20 12:58:47PM
4,335 posts

Menu items


Proxima isn't a 'mainstream' skin so I'm guessing that it doesn't include the smarty SiteBuilder menu call in its templates. In Elastic this is in the 'header_menu_desktop.tpl' template on line 7 -

<div id="menu_content">
    <nav id="menu-wrap">
        <div id="menu-trigger">&nbsp;</div>
        <ul id="menu">

            {* User menu entries *}

So add this to the approprate Proxima template.

04/22/20 01:47:11AM
4,335 posts

Adding Multiple TXT files to a Blog post

Installation and Configuration

Any import like this is going to require preliminary and custom work, but we do have tools to import data once this work is done. Checkout our Exporter and Importer modules. Documentation here and on subsequent pages -

Basically, you would need to create a CSV file using a dump of your phpBB3 database which would be customised to the format specified in the above documentation's appendix. The data in this file would then be processed by the Jamroom Exporter and Importer modules to fill the content (including files) into Jamroom.
04/21/20 10:22:21AM
4,335 posts

Adding Multiple TXT files to a Blog post

Installation and Configuration

You can add file upload fields to the create and update forms for any Jamroom item using the Form Designer. Unfortunately uploading multiple files in one field isn't an option. However, you can add multiple 'single file' fields.

I've tried this on my test site and added two blog file fields to the blog create form. These are 'blog_file1' and 'blog_file2'. See the attached screenshot.

When adding new fields to a form, you will then need to edit the appropriate template(s) to show those new fields. This cannot happen automatically as Jamroom has no knowledge what users might want to add, or where in the item view they want that info to show.

After adding these file fields, this is the code I added to the blog 'item_detail.tpl' template to show the uploaded files and allow their download -

{if jrCore_checktype($item.blog_file1_size, 'number_nz')}
    Download '{$item.blog_file1_name}': <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/download/blog_file1/{$item._item_id}/{$item.blog_file1_name|jrCore_url_string}">{jrCore_file_type_image extension=$item.blog_file1_extension width=32 height=32 alt="`$alt` `$item.blog_file1_name`" class="download_img"}</a><br>{/if}
{if jrCore_checktype($item.blog_file2_size, 'number_nz')}
    Download '{$item.blog_file2_name}': <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/download/blog_file2/{$item._item_id}/{$item.blog_file2_name|jrCore_url_string}">{jrCore_file_type_image extension=$item.blog_file2_extension width=32 height=32 alt="`$alt` `$item.blog_file2_name`" class="download_img"}</a><br>{/if}

See second screenshot for how it looks on the detail page. You can show other uploaded file data if needed - use the smarty debug to see what blog parameters are available to the template.

Hope this helps
04/15/20 01:36:25PM
4,335 posts

JrBirthday causing SSL error on page

Jamroom Developers

Have looked at the source code of your homepage where there are four birthdays today. Interestingly its only the last one (Rockie Flamez) that has this issue. The other three have https. As this is an 'action' module list, it might be that this issue is not a Birthday module issue, but originates elsewhere. Do you have any other modified tempates that might be causing this?
04/13/20 06:34:56AM
4,335 posts

error loading media url

Using Jamroom

The popup error was being given when the actual problem was a 'permissions' error. This has been fixed the the next release of the Core, Audio and Video modules. Not sure when that might be as yet, but maybe in the meantime check the user viewing the video has correct access to it.
04/10/20 01:02:20PM
4,335 posts

Require Images

Using Jamroom

Actually the 'require_image' option is working as all the profiles that are showing just the black square (which is your default image) do have an image uploaded, according to their datastore entries. I can only think that maybe the uploaded profile images on your server are either missing or corrupt, hence the default image being shown instead.
04/09/20 11:24:10PM
4,335 posts

Require Images

Using Jamroom

Can you point me to the page where this is happening?