Forum Activity for @paul

05/02/20 03:30:17AM
4,335 posts

PodCast Your JamRoom to Facebook - YouTube - Twitch


Are not these packages basically 'screen capture' programs that run stand alone? How would they specifically interface to Jamroom, or visa versa?
Sorry if I'm not understanding your suggestion.
05/02/20 01:09:04AM
4,335 posts

Groups not showing on Ninja Skin (Site Builder)

Using Jamroom

Quote: Sorry to trouble you yet again, but I am testing out our Jamroom site and I have now added a group (Ninja Skin). However, it is not showing up on the front page under "top groups"; which I believe it is meant to.
he title of the widget is 'Top Groups' and the criteria for that, by default, is the number of comments a group has. If a group has no comments as yet, it will not show, otherwise groups are listed in descending order of the number of comments made on them.

Quote: Also on another topic, are discussions and forum posts the same? Please see image.

No forum posts are those made on the Forum module whilst discussion posts are those made in Group Discussions.

05/01/20 03:44:40PM
4,335 posts

Global Configuration - YouTube v3 API

Using Jamroom

That’s good :-)
05/01/20 10:38:56AM
4,335 posts

Global Configuration - YouTube v3 API

Using Jamroom

I can only think that either the key is either entered incorrectly or that its not the correct API key. This works ok on my sites.
Maybe get a new key from Google and try that?
04/30/20 07:59:53AM
4,335 posts

Allocate Subscriptions to user quotas

Using Jamroom

Quote: I had previously set up these subscriptions, so I am assuming the quotas will be available to each new member at the end of the trial period.
Will members with a free trial membership be able to renew with another free trial?
If yes, how can I set it up to automatically terminate their membership subscription if they do not upgrade to another subscription? Thank you.

Your 'trial' quota is your signup quota. That doesn't need to be a subscription plan. Users in that quota can optionally subscribe to the paid quotas. There is no 'trial period' in this free signup quota. However, you can offer a free trial period in the subscription quotas, so that users can assess if they want the additional features offered.
If users don't subscribe to any plan, they remain in the free signup quota.
Hope that makes sense?
04/30/20 05:44:11AM
4,335 posts

Allocate Subscriptions to user quotas

Using Jamroom

Users will signup for free to your 'Trial Members' quota.
You then need to make two subscription plans, one to subscribe to the 'Regal' quota, the other to the 'Standard' quota.
Users in the Trial quota will see a subscriptions tab with the options to upgrade to one of these paid for quotas.
04/30/20 05:07:34AM
4,335 posts

Allocate Subscriptions to user quotas

Using Jamroom

The quota that a user subscribes to (and the fall-back one when a subscription lapses) are selected in the Subscription Plan create and update forms.
04/29/20 10:21:28AM
4,335 posts

Adding YouTube Videos

Using Jamroom

Yes, you need to enter the API Key in order you YouTube video data to be requested upon item creation and update.
04/29/20 06:20:42AM
4,335 posts

Can't change some skin language

Using Jamroom

That string is in the skin's Global Config settings.

04/28/20 02:57:32PM
4,335 posts

Adding a new Menu item to Genosis


I assume you mean the "Menu Editor" that is part of the SiteBuilder module?

The Genosis skin templates don't support this option by default but if you edit the skin's 'header_menu_desktop.tpl' template as follows it should then work -

<div id="menu_content">
    <nav id="menu-wrap">
        <ul id="menu">

               {* ADD IN THIS BIT *}

            {jrCore_module_url module="jrGenCore" assign="curl"}
            {jrCore_module_url module="jrGenSource" assign="gurl"}
            {jrCore_module_url module="jrCore" assign="core_url"}
