Video and audio uploads not converting
Using Jamroom
Quote: When I used Jamroom previously I didn’t have any problems with the video and audio converters.
Did you use Jamroom before with this host? If so, and it worked, you might have been on a different plan, or they have changed the server specs.
Quote: Maybe if I reinstall the software it would resolve the problems, and maybe not use a sub-directly? Could I move all the files to the public_html folder, or would this create major problems?
The problem is that your host will not allow you to run binary files on your server, so moving folders or re-installing will not change things.
Quote: If I used your hosting, would my current Jamroom website be automatically transferred to your server? Or would it need a fresh install?
Your site could be transferred to our hosting, we have a tool to do that. You install a 'transfer' module onto your existing site then run the tool from your Jamroom Hosting control panel. The site is then transferred.