Forum Activity for @paul

05/23/23 11:58:25AM
4,335 posts

stream Pay and profile tweak

Using Jamroom

I think the Jamroom profile 'thescientist' is also you and you bought licences under that profile.
05/23/23 02:15:59AM
4,335 posts

Jamroom logo

Using Jamroom

It can likely be removed from the template. Let us know what skin you are using and we'll tell you where to look.
04/13/23 01:58:22AM
4,335 posts

Creating a music history site using Genosis

Jamroom Developers

Hi Mick - This sounds very similar to an idea I had a few years back, again inspired by our Genosis project, I wanted to be able to create 'band family trees' similar to what Pete Frame did in the 60s and 70s with his Rock Family Trees.
I did some work on this at the time, and all that is left of it is this old development website here - - The only tree on it is mine with all the bands and musicians I was involved with at the time.
Because it's Jamroom based there's lots of scope for further development, but it fizzled out due to lack of time and direction etc. I did have a grand plan for an 'organic' site with users building their own trees that would then automatically link to other trees via common musicians. It was one of those good ideas at the time lol
Is that the sort of thing you had in mind?
02/03/23 01:27:47AM
4,335 posts

A Question on Sitebuilder Pages

Using Jamroom

SiteBuilder pages can only be edited by admins so the answer to your question is 'no', but I can suggest a workaround.
Have your users create and manage their advert content via a blog post with a category of 'advert' (say). You could then update your SitBuilt page to list Blogs of that category. That way, the adverts would always be current, with no intervention from you.
01/31/23 05:03:29AM
4,335 posts

Still doesn't work

Off Topic

You need to contact and respond to the site admin about this. He is dealing with it direct.
01/31/23 01:24:45AM
4,335 posts


Using Jamroom

Your Premium account is still active for two Jamroom sites. The message "There are no licenses active in your account" means that they haven't been used yet.
Set up your Jamroom site(s) and configure the Marketplace module. You'll then be able to download and install all Jamroom modules and skins to it.
01/26/23 03:45:46AM
4,335 posts

Problem with site you host

Off Topic

We are in discussion with the site owner about this and have looked into the issue, but as he has indicated, your profile, and all its content, was deleted many weeks ago. It could have been recovered within ten days of its deletion but now the site's Recycle Bin has been emptied. A new profile can be created and attached to your user account. The site owner has advised you of this and is awaiting your response.
Hope that helps.
01/19/23 07:22:22PM
4,335 posts

moving from home to sub folder

Installation and Configuration

After moving all the files (including the hidden .htaccess file) to the new folder, you just need to edit the 'jrCore_base_url' entry in the confif.php file accordingly. Instructions here -
12/22/22 11:12:57PM
4,335 posts

Jamroom Install on localhost

Installation and Configuration

Hi - Welcome to JamRoom.

Installation guide is here -

Server Requirements here -

Jamroom does not run on Windows based servers so if you are running Xampp on a PC that could cause the issues you are having.
Try it on a Mac?