JR4 still the best. Why you abondoned this?!
Using Jamroom
Fully agree with you that Jamroom is awesome
And it would be good to take on WordPress, Joomla etc. but our problem is that Jamroom is just five people and we don't have the commercial resources or the millions of $$$s to do this effectively. The other problem is that Jamroom was (and still is mostly) targeted at 'technical' developers who understand templating, modules and the internal concepts of Jamroom that make it totally flexible. That was fine in the beginning but today, most users that try Jamroom don't even know what html is and are expecting a 'drag and drop' website builder (along with its limitations). We then often get very bogged down with support trying to explain to them how to use Jamroom, and they still then go away thinking Jamroom is too hard.
But this is not to say that Jamroom isn't successful. We have a core of dedicated users and Jamroom is still being developed. At the moment we consider Jamroom6 very stable and an ideal platform for any type of site, however complex, which is what we have been concentrating on of late, developing custom sites for a range of clients.