Forum Activity for @paul

05/22/20 10:47:26AM
4,335 posts

Major issues with Jamroom and spam

Installation and Configuration

See your support ticket on this.
05/21/20 02:25:37PM
4,335 posts

Major issues with Jamroom and spam

Installation and Configuration

Unfortunately, most spam these days does originate from real people so automatic processes to keep them out are not easy. Jamroom does have various options amd tools to help site admins control the situation that include user probation, IP banning, offsite URL detection and adding signup questions but they do involve manual intervention by the site admin to approve or delete new accounts etc. Its part and parcel of running a website these days I'm afraid. We regularly do it here at Jamroom on this site.

You have also sent this as a support ticket so will follow up further with you there.
05/20/20 04:07:30AM
4,335 posts

Event - How do I know who wants to attend my event?

Ning To Jamroom

Actually, user_email isn't available in the $item.event_attendee array. I'll look into adding it in.
05/17/20 08:40:47AM
4,335 posts

Jamroom Paypal Callback

Jamroom Developers

Quote: What would it cost me for one of your developers to create the necessary "Events and Listeners" and add the code that I would obtain from the developer

Difficult to say without having the developer code and knowing exactly what needs to be achieved. More info please.

05/16/20 02:42:55AM
4,335 posts

How can i remove the language files from db or site files..

Installation and Configuration

I've edited this post to remove your server login details. This is public forum so I suggest you change your username and password asap in case someone has seen them already.
05/14/20 11:11:53AM
4,335 posts

How can i remove the language files from db or site files..

Installation and Configuration

The problem here is that you haven't explained exactly what your issue is and I have just been trying to guess from what you say.

Is your jamroom site broken in any way?
Can you log in?
You are asking about the language strings yet it looks like you are trying to import an entire database (which is unlikely to fix a broken site).
Sorry but I am really confused. Please explain exactly what your issue is.
05/14/20 08:53:19AM
4,335 posts

How can i remove the language files from db or site files..

Installation and Configuration

All your language strings are in the database 'jr_jruser_language' table so you would need to save an export of that in order to be able to import it back to a new site.

In order to help changing the admin password we need more information. Does the 'forgot password' form not work? Are you not getting the email?
05/14/20 03:39:24AM
4,335 posts

How can i remove the language files from db or site files..

Installation and Configuration

Not sure what you are asking here.
You seem to be saying that the site is broken as you can't get to the database admin tool?
And that you can't change your password? Are you logged in when trying this?
And then you are asking to remove language files. Why?

Please explain exactly what is happening, and if the site is broken, was it working before you did or changed something? If so, what did you do or change?

05/13/20 07:21:44PM
4,335 posts

Video and audio uploads not converting

Using Jamroom

Quote: Can I run my other non-jamroom sites on your Jamroom server as well as Jamroom?

You can but remember that we would not be able to support them in any way, or make any changes to the server to accommodate them, including creating any new databases they might need. You would also need to copy/upload them yourself.
05/13/20 04:05:46AM
4,335 posts

Video and audio uploads not converting

Using Jamroom

Go ahead and create a test site. If you click on the View Licences for the '/france' site there are no licences used. I just need to work out why its still showing.