Forum Activity for @paul

06/10/20 04:43:39AM
4,335 posts

Elastic 2 Skin Documentation?

Design and Skin Customization

All skins use templates, so there is no specific documentation for each skin, just generic documentation on how the template system works. Search for 'template' on this page to see the various documents -

Or maybe SiteBuilder can help -

As for view counts, it might be that Elastic doesn't show them by default so the counts need adding to the templates. What skin were you using, and where were you seeing these counts?
06/08/20 11:39:33AM
4,335 posts

delete old JR modules

Using Jamroom

ACP=>Developer=>Developer Tools=>Tools=>Rebase Modules

Note that there is no real need to do this on a live site, its a 'developer' tool. Disk save saving is minimal.
06/02/20 12:37:48PM
4,335 posts

Deleting Unwanted Skins

Jamroom Developers

Yes, the answer is 'no', unless for some reason you have something custom calling an unused skin function or template, which I imagine is very unlikely and not good Jamroom practice anyway.
06/01/20 01:20:20AM
4,335 posts

Audio Streams not counting for audio files offered for sale

Using Jamroom

OK - Will try to emulate the issue on my test site.
06/01/20 12:59:29AM
4,335 posts

Audio Streams not counting for audio files offered for sale

Using Jamroom

So if the PlayCount module is disabled, all is ok?
Let me know and I'll check it out.
05/30/20 01:47:08PM
4,335 posts

An error was encountered loading the media URL

Using Jamroom

Quote: We might be able to add a 'delete all' option for a future release, but as it stands, you should be able to resolve your issue.
05/30/20 07:24:36AM
4,335 posts

The website takes a long time to load

Using Jamroom

Whilst your site is not the fastest I've visited, it's by no mean bad imo and loads in a second or two for me, and I'm not seeing any difference whether logged in or out.
What I am see though is lots of javascript warnings and blocks caused by your ads, so any one of those could be causing issues in your locale.
Open the browser console window and take a look.
05/30/20 05:00:10AM
4,335 posts

When users are not logged in

Using Jamroom

This is a javascript alert message and as such cannot be easily modified without a custom module.
I assume its showing because you have a player on the page set to auto-play. Maybe easier to disable that is the visitor is not logged in.
05/30/20 02:58:34AM
4,335 posts

The website takes a long time to load

Using Jamroom

I'm not seeing any speed issues on your site whether logged in or out. Is this happening generally of on specific pages?
05/30/20 02:54:24AM
4,335 posts

An error was encountered loading the media URL

Using Jamroom

This has been answered above.