Forum Activity for @paul

08/25/21 04:28:24AM
4,335 posts

Make Jamroom site private

Using Jamroom

Quote: If I "invite" people to the site via the email invite system and they respond, will an account automatically be generated for them?

No, you will need to enable signups and the signup/login pages. But maybe make signups 'Admin Approved' so that you can check who they are. You could even add a unique code for them to enter in a custom signup field to the Invite so as to make admin approval easier.
08/24/21 08:05:41AM
4,335 posts

Make Jamroom site private

Using Jamroom

ACP=>Users=>Users=>Global Config=>Site Options=>Site Privacy

08/17/21 04:45:10AM
4,335 posts

How do you track and remove users?

Using Jamroom

You can also use custom filters in the data browser search to check for specific user activities etc. See the search field help button.
08/12/21 10:58:34AM
4,335 posts

Can I disable "Followers" tab on Forum Profile?

Design and Skin Customization

Disabling the Followers module for the Community quota should hide the tab.

What skin are you using? There is a
smarty call that can be used in profile templates to do just what it says.

08/06/21 06:22:52AM
4,335 posts

Play Counts - Stream Counts

Off Topic

Glad its all ok. Thanks for letting us know.
08/04/21 07:57:19AM
4,335 posts

Play Counts - Stream Counts

Off Topic

Hi Ken - Get the latest beta Core module from the beta channel, version 6.5.11b4
This includes an 'Advanced Config Key' to ignore checking of IPs when streaming, so ALL plays are counted.
The key is 'jrCore_disable_counter_ip_check' and its value is a comma seperated list of modules it is to affect, so just 'jrAudio' for audio streams, or 'jrAudio,jrVideo' for audio and video streams, say.
Use the Core=>Tools=>Advance Config tool to set this up.
07/30/21 03:45:19AM
4,335 posts

Play Counts - Stream Counts

Off Topic

Jamroom is designed so that user streams, ratings, votes etc. only count once so as to discourage 'gaming', as such. However, Jamroom is very flexible so it may be possible to override this feature without too much difficulty, possibly with a custom module. I'll look into and let you know.
07/28/21 10:46:21AM
4,335 posts

quotas that people pay to join?

Using Jamroom

Possibly. What is one of your 'events'? If its something like a video that can only be viewable to members in a specific (subscription) quota, then yes, that could be made to work.
Let us know so that we can discuss things further.
07/28/21 10:04:36AM
4,335 posts

quotas that people pay to join?

Using Jamroom

ABCD in Action:
I know that we can have different levels of membership (quotas). Can we charge people to join those different levels? Is there an easy way to set that up?


Yep - Install and configure the Payment and Subscription modules -

07/22/21 02:54:22PM
4,335 posts

profile_sidebar.tpl - Headings Question

Design and Skin Customization

What I would try is instead of outputting the results of the jrProfile_stats call directly, assign it to a variable. You can then test the length of the variable and then show it if it has content. So the code might be something like -

{if isset($_conf.xxComplete_profile_stats) && $_conf.xxComplete_profile_stats == 'on'}
    {capture name="template" assign="stats_tpl"}
        {foreach $_stats as $title => $_stat}
            {jrCore_module_url module=$_stat.module assign="murl"}
            <div class="stat_entry_box" onclick="window.location='{$jamroom_url}/{$profile_url}/{$murl}'">
                {$title}: {$_stat.count|default:0}
    {jrProfile_stats profile_id=$_profile_id template=$stats_tpl assign="xxxx"}
    {if strlen($xxxx) > 0}
         <div class="block">
              <h3>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="39" default="stats"}</h3>
               <div class="block_content mt10">
                    <div style="padding-top:8px">

Note that we are assigning the stats output to variable $xxxx then test the length of that variable. If it has content we then output the variable directly.
You may need to experiment with the strlen condition as I'm not sure what its threshold may be.

Hope that makes sense.