Forum Activity for @paul

07/10/20 02:46:28AM
4,335 posts

Newsletter Filters Question

Using Jamroom

Documentation here -

7. Module Developer Guide

But not sure how much you know abour coding, so if you want us to take a look at doing it for you, let us know and we'll quote you. Probably best to do that on a support ticket.
07/09/20 04:22:20AM
4,335 posts

Newsletter Filters Question

Using Jamroom

Within the NewsLetter module there are two 'Event Triggers', one to get additional filters, and the other to return matching filter recipients, so it should be possible to build a custom module to do what you want.
07/05/20 09:49:38AM
4,335 posts

Adding a Gallery to a Photo Album

Using Jamroom

Whole galleries are not added to albums at a time, and that Photo Album icon does not show in that view by default, so its something in your modified templates that is including it.
I'll try and work it out and fix it up on your site.
07/04/20 01:58:14AM
4,335 posts

How often does the search index rebuild itself, automatically? Never?

Using Jamroom

The note on the rebuilding of the search index tool says that it only needs to be run if any of the search config parameters have been changed, so I guess that the index table is dynamic and doesn't need periodic refreshing.
A test of this might be to add 'Poland' to another profile location field and then see if that profile then shows in the searches.
06/27/20 08:10:05AM
4,335 posts

Signup form SPAM filter field stopped working after latest update

Using Jamroom

Sorry about this. Its a known issue and is fixed in the beta release of the next Core and User modules. Shall I install them for you?
06/26/20 09:43:28AM
4,335 posts

Forum showing 0 topics

Using Jamroom

Odd, I checked it after I made the database adjustment so it has somehow been reset again.
Can you recall doing any topic moves that may have caused this? Not just within the forum categories but maybe from group discussions?
I've set it again to its correct value of 2118, but if you can keep an eye on it and if it happens again, let me know if you were doing any forum work or topic moves so that I can try and replicate it here.
06/26/20 05:14:51AM
4,335 posts

updates alert

Using Jamroom

What do you mean by 'plugins'? If you mean modules, then you could use the Marketplace which, as Michael says, already does this.