Forum Activity for @paul

07/16/20 12:57:16AM
4,335 posts

Trying to help my member with his problem...

Using Jamroom

How is he seeing this message?
Does it just flash up between pages?
Does he get the message and then have to do a refresh to get the next page?
Is it on a partially loaded page?
Let us know.
07/16/20 12:51:19AM
4,335 posts

New User avatar badge module?


We have an internal project going on at the moment that might need a badge module. If so, we could then make it available to our users.
07/14/20 03:35:03AM
4,335 posts

Which template files need modification to create a filter that can display all users or items for a given Quota

Design and Skin Customization

Which templates depends on where you want to show these options, and how.
I'd start with the skin's index.tpl and see what's included immediately in that, and what other templates it might 'include'.

If you are listing profiles and items in specific quotas, checkout 'jrCore_list' smarty template calls. They might just need additional search parameters adding - search="profile_quota_id = x" or search="profile_quota_id IN x,y,z" if multiple quota IDs are required.
Checkout the relevant chapters in our Developer Guide docs. -
07/14/20 02:29:27AM
4,335 posts

Profile Badges module setup & activated but not showing on profile pages (Audio Pro 2 skin)

Design and Skin Customization

Profile Badges is a third party module so you'll need to contact the originator on their forum -
07/13/20 08:32:58AM
4,335 posts

Part of Links not working

Using Jamroom

What URL is that screenshot?
07/12/20 09:57:35AM
4,335 posts

Terms of Service & Coppa Policy Templates

Installation and Configuration

Try it now.
There is a test in the template to show a Page module generated ToS or PP page if it exists, which it doesn't in your case, so the template goes on to show its absolute content.
That test looks for a stringlength > 0 which for some reason is no longer working as the string returned from Page search has a few characters in it, even though no page was found.
Not sure what changes we have made that is causing this, but have changed this test to '> 100' and all is now ok.
07/12/20 03:52:00AM
4,335 posts

Youtube module is not finding any Youtube video & is unable to create new entries

Design and Skin Customization

I'm not seeing any issues with that YT video.
I get it returned when searching for 'Kelly Rowland - Coffee', it creates from the search results, it also creates ok from its YT ID.

Maybe check that your API key in the YT Config section is ok? We occasionally get user issues where the key just stops working and users have to request a new one from Google and replace it in their module.
07/11/20 03:03:26AM
4,335 posts

System Check Errors

Installation and Configuration

Make sure (or get your hosting provider to make sure) that the Tools folder is readable and executable.
07/11/20 12:20:35AM
4,335 posts

Youtube module is not finding any Youtube video & is unable to create new entries

Design and Skin Customization

The YouTube search API that JR uses is more generic and doesn't return absolute URLs (why would it if you already have the URL of what you are looking for?).

Try searching for 'Kelly Rowland - Coffee', say.
07/11/20 12:15:52AM
4,335 posts

Watermark uploaded & setup but not playing on the site

Design and Skin Customization

...the profile that created the track doesn't hear the watermark. It only applies when played by other users and visitors.