Forum Activity for @paul

07/24/20 11:04:56AM
4,335 posts

Bundle savings currency change

Design and Skin Customization

This is a bug in the Bundle module's item_list.tpl template and will be fixed in the next release of the module. In the meantime, edit the template and change line 58 from

<h2><b>{jrCore_lang module="jrBundle" id="44" default="Save"}<br>&#36;{$item.bundle_item_savings|number_format:2}</b></h2>


<h2><b>{jrCore_lang module="jrBundle" id="44" default="Save"}<br>{jrPayment_get_currency_code()}{$item.bundle_item_savings|number_format:2}</b></h2>

hth, and thanks for letting us know about it.
07/21/20 08:58:58AM
4,335 posts

Lost Admin Password

Using Jamroom

Old module and skin releases are kept in case you need to roll back for any reason. They don’t take up much disk space.
You can use tools provided in the Developer and Marketplace modules to delete or roll back to these old versions.
07/21/20 05:43:08AM
4,335 posts

Lost Admin Password

Using Jamroom

There should be a `key` value of 'user_email' and the email will be alongside it in the `value` column.
07/21/20 05:28:13AM
4,335 posts

Lost Admin Password

Using Jamroom

User data is in the jr_jruser-item_key table. The master admin data is probably alongside the _item_id => 1 entries.
However, the actual password isn't stored, only its hashed value, and the password cannot be derived from that.
The user name and email is there though, so make sure the email address is active and that you can receive it, and you should be able to use the 'Forgot Password' form.
07/18/20 01:52:58PM
4,335 posts

Unable to process your request

Using Jamroom

This is all an issue with your server.
Contact your hosting provider.
07/18/20 11:57:15AM
4,335 posts

Unable to process your request

Using Jamroom

It seems to be happening all the time for me.
Have you made any changes to the site before this happened? If so, revert them.
Also, check that /data/config/config.php file has the correct credentials in it to connect to your database.
Also see if there's anything about it in the logs at /data/logs/*
Otherwise, this is out of Jamroom's control, so contact your hosting provider, as the message suggests.
07/18/20 09:12:21AM
4,335 posts

Unable to process your request

Using Jamroom

More information please.
What site is this on?
Is it on a specific page?
Does it occur every time or intermittently?
What do your error logs say about it?
07/18/20 01:44:29AM
4,335 posts

Trying to help my member with his problem...

Using Jamroom

Did he contact his ISP? That fact that this only happens to him intermittently still makes me think its on their end.
07/16/20 10:19:56AM
4,335 posts

Trying to help my member with his problem...

Using Jamroom

So it seems that he's tried different browsers etc. and still intermittently gets this issue.
I'd suggest that he contacts his ISP to see if they are somehow occasionally blocking your site, or maybe a server that might be used on the root to your site.
07/16/20 09:04:56AM
4,335 posts

Privacy Popup

Installation and Configuration

It pops up initially for me, I accept then don't see it again.
However, this is coming from a third party script, so if you are having issues with it, you need to contact the originators.