Forum Activity for @paul

08/23/20 01:17:32AM
4,335 posts

Schuffle default playlist

Using Jamroom

At the moment Playlists can only play tracks in the order that they were added to the playlist.
I will open an internal tracker so that we can look into this and see whether its possible to add an option to randomise the playlist.
08/19/20 06:14:36AM
4,335 posts

Banned Item

Using Jamroom

There is a bug we are working on. For the short term, put your site into Developer Mode and do the update, then turn Developer Mode off.
08/18/20 01:28:22AM
4,335 posts

Banned Item

Using Jamroom

Please explain more. If there is an issue with Jamroom we need to know how to replicate it.
updated by @paul: 08/18/20 01:28:37AM
08/17/20 01:14:16AM
4,335 posts

Thank you to the Jamroom Team

Using Jamroom

Thanks Lisa - That's really good of you to say this, and we're so pleased to be helping out in whatever way possible in these strange times :-)
08/15/20 01:00:00AM
4,335 posts

Add YouTube videos to the playlist

Using Jamroom

I recall that YouTube's Terms and Conditions do not allow us to add their videos to our playlists.
08/10/20 11:14:36AM
4,335 posts

Item Feature Not Responding

Installation and Configuration

Can you point me to an item that has comments and shares where the counts are not showing?
08/10/20 10:26:25AM
4,335 posts

Nova Dark Theme Our Sponsors Mod Stopped Working After Last Update

Design and Skin Customization

See attached screenshot of your site working for me after I disabled the FireFox ad blocker plugin. Are you using FireFox? Try looking at the same page with another browser and see if that works (It worked immediately for me on Chrome and it was at that point I became suspicious of the FF ad blocker). If you don't have an ad blocker, maybe its another plugin stopping those fields from showing?
Screenshot 2020-08-10 at 18.22.19.png Screenshot 2020-08-10 at 18.22.19.png - 126KB
08/10/20 06:07:45AM
4,335 posts

Nova Dark Theme Our Sponsors Mod Stopped Working After Last Update

Design and Skin Customization

I was seeing this as an issue in FireFox but not with other browsers. I then disabled the FF AdBlocker plugin and all came good.
Check that you don't have an AdBlocker or any other browser plugins that are causing this.
08/09/20 02:11:09PM
4,335 posts

Item Feature Not Responding

Installation and Configuration

Try it now.
I deleted all your cache files by hand and it seems to have fixed the issues, including all the CORS javascript errors.