Forum Activity for @paul

08/30/20 02:39:37AM
4,335 posts

I cant access URL from mobile device

Using Jamroom

I can access it from a real iPhone8 :-)
08/29/20 01:43:07PM
4,335 posts

Login To Stream is missing

Using Jamroom

This has been moved to the Audio (and Video) module config settings.
08/29/20 01:15:45AM
4,335 posts

How can I showcase active member blogs on a dedicated page for member blogs?

Using Jamroom

If you have created the page with SiteBuilder all you need to do is add an 'Item List' widget. Select Blogs as the items to list and order by 'Created Descending'.
08/26/20 12:14:16PM
4,335 posts

Schuffle default playlist

Using Jamroom

I've made a similar change to the skin's radio_playlist.tpl template that controls that popup window. Remember that the window view is cached so the random order will not change immediately on subsequent openings.
08/26/20 10:32:10AM
4,335 posts

Schuffle default playlist

Using Jamroom

After first making changes to templates using the ACP template editor you need to activate the edited template. I've done this for you and the playlists' tracks are now randomised -
08/26/20 10:24:16AM
4,335 posts

Can't find entry field for price for file downloads....

Using Jamroom

I fixed this up this afternoon. A new version of the jrFile module will be in the Marketplace ASAP.
08/26/20 09:45:06AM
4,335 posts

Schuffle default playlist

Using Jamroom

You can make playlists play in a random order by replacing the code in the jrPlaylist item_detail.tpl template fle with this -

{jrCore_module_url module="jrPlaylist" assign="murl"}
<div class="block">

    <div class="title">
        <div class="block_config">
            {jrCore_item_detail_buttons module="jrPlaylist" item=$item}
        <div class="breadcrumbs">
            <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/">{$item.profile_name}</a> &raquo; <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}">{jrCore_lang module="jrPlaylist" id="9" default="Playlist"}</a> &raquo; {$item.playlist_title}

    <div class="block_content">

        {if $item.playlist_count > 0}

            {$_pl = $item.playlist_items}

            <div class="item">
                {assign var="ap" value="`$_conf.jrCore_active_skin`_auto_play"}
                {assign var="skin_player_type" value="`$_conf.jrCore_active_skin`_player_type"}
                {assign var="player_type" value=$_conf.$skin_player_type}
                {assign var="player" value="jrPlaylist_`$player_type`"}
                {if isset($player_type) && strlen($player_type) > 0}
                    {jrCore_media_player type=$player module="jrAudio" items=$_pl autoplay=$_conf.$ap}
                    {jrCore_media_player module="jrAudio" item=$_pl autoplay=$_conf.$ap}


                <ul class="sortable list" style="list-style:none outside none;padding-left:0;">
                    {foreach $_pl as $playlist_item}
                        <li data-id="{$playlist_item.playlist_module}-{$playlist_item._item_id}">
                            {jrCore_include template=$item.playlist_templates[$playlist_item.playlist_module] module=$playlist_item.playlist_module playlist_id=$item._item_id}

            {* bring in module features *}
            {jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrPlaylist" item=$item}


            <div class="item">{jrCore_lang module="jrPlaylist" id="44" default="This playlist is empty and no longer exists"}</div>




08/26/20 01:26:19AM
4,335 posts


Using Jamroom

I rebuilt your search index using the tool in the Search module and searching for that phrase now includes the actual profile in the returned results.
08/23/20 02:37:22PM
4,335 posts

Profile admin

Using Jamroom

Not seeing an issue. I set my test account on your site (paultest) to be a Profile Admin, logged in as such and accepted and edited the latest pending comment.
Make sure your profile lioness-izasha is a Profile Admin and that she is logged into that account. If so, is she consistently getting this error or was it a one-off? Which comment was she trying to approve/edit?
08/23/20 10:42:06AM
4,335 posts

Profile admin

Using Jamroom

As always, the more information we have the better we can help.

Who is the profile admin?
What action were they trying to do?
On which other profile were they trying to do that action on?