Forum Activity for @paul

09/23/20 01:57:44AM
4,335 posts

System Fee

Using Jamroom

That is correct. You have the 'Payout Percentage' set tp 20%.
If you want to keep 20% of sales, set it to 80%.
09/21/20 01:18:37PM
4,335 posts

System Fee

Using Jamroom

Payment Support Quotas tab
09/21/20 09:51:08AM
4,335 posts

How to make purchases payout directly to users PayPal?

Using Jamroom

Agreed that all things are possible, but what I meant was its not possible with the payments module as its coded at the moment.
The payments module is fairy complex and we have no plans to change its functionality at the moment, but if you would to sponsor this additional feature, let us know and we'll checkout its feasibility.
But it does seem a lot of effort just to save admin pressing a button every month?
updated by @paul: 09/21/20 09:52:58AM
09/19/20 12:56:51PM
4,335 posts

Page builder adding pages problem

Jamroom Developers

There are no issues that I know of. Do buttons on other pages work? Is there any custom code (with javascript) on that page that may be interfering with its correct operation?
Anything in the site's error log?
Maybe send us the admin login at support[at]jamroom[dot]net so that we can check it out on your site.
updated by @paul: 09/19/20 12:57:23PM
09/19/20 10:41:07AM
4,335 posts

admin details on database not seeking

Using Jamroom

It would be easiest to change if logged in!!

Do you have the login password for another user? If so, find that user on the jr_jruser_item_key table then copy the hashed password. Then paste it into the admin hashed password value. You should then be able to login as admin using that password.
09/19/20 10:37:51AM
4,335 posts

How to remove login and register from menu but keep the forms

Design and Skin Customization


remove lines 67-73 inclusive

Also header_menu_mobile.tpl

remove lines 90-93 inclusive

09/19/20 02:07:33AM
4,335 posts

admin details on database not seeking

Using Jamroom

Email configration is in the Email Support module Delivery Settings tab.
But are you saying that you cannot receive the 'Forgot Password' email because these settings are wrong?
09/17/20 04:40:35PM
4,335 posts

my custom jrXCommentDelete module stopped working

Using Jamroom

The custom module decrements the comment counts by the number deleted and this is working. Your problem was that the count was wrong in the first place. Not sure why that was, but we now have a tool to make things right, should you suspect it has happened elsewhere.
So, nothing to do with your customised templates :-)
Will get the new Comment module released to the Marketplace asap.
09/17/20 10:54:26AM
4,335 posts

my custom jrXCommentDelete module stopped working

Using Jamroom

Note that I have run this tool for Group Discussions and reset the caches so it should be go to go now.