Forum Activity for @paul

10/12/20 02:11:08PM
4,335 posts

Performance issues

Installation and Configuration

Jamroom is reporting that APCu is not installed on the server.
Try asking your hosting provider if that can be installed.
10/11/20 03:40:24AM
4,335 posts

stream pay

Jamroom Developers

So how is it not working? Please give more details so that we can replicate the issue.
10/09/20 10:44:04AM
4,335 posts

music video rentals

Design and Skin Customization

Quote: and i've got cinema 4k with dolby atmos, for a file type

Jamroom doesn't support 'atmos' files or the streaming of them. We would need to research them to see whether their support could be included and estimate how much work that would involve.

Quote: and what kind of upgrade do i need, for unlimited artists, and, being able to charge per stream, be it audio or video

You would need to get our Jamroom6 Premium or Professional package, if self-hosting, in order to get access to all Jamroom modules and skins, along with support. Alternatively, use one of our Hosted packages -

You would then need custom work from us to investigate and develop module(s) for the atmos streaming. Cannot put a price on that as yet, but I do suspect it would be a fairly large project.

Hope that helps
10/09/20 07:10:43AM
4,335 posts

music video rentals

Design and Skin Customization

Are these rentals of actual goods, or allowing the streaming/downing of media for a rental period?
Please detail more fully what you envisage.
10/06/20 02:55:36PM
4,335 posts

Click the "+" button to get started

Using Jamroom

jrProfile module language ID 49
10/02/20 12:07:47AM
4,335 posts

My skin's Pending Followers menu link count stopped working

Using Jamroom

Try it now. The fix also highlighted a small bug in the Follower module. I fixed it and patched FOTMD with the fix. I've now patched PWC as well.
10/01/20 02:29:41AM
4,335 posts

My skin's Pending Followers menu link count stopped working

Using Jamroom

This is a result of a change we did to the Follower module several months ago. Followers used to be stored as DataStore items but that was a lot of overhead so they are now stored on a regular database table. Your custom code was still expecting them to be DataStore items. I've updated your template code to now use a default Follower module function to get the pending count directly -

{foreach from=$_items name="loop" item="entry"}
    {if isset($entry.menu_function_result) && strlen($entry.menu_function_result) > 0}
        {if is_numeric($entry.menu_function_result)}
        	<li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label} [{$entry.menu_function_result}]</a></li>
        	<li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label} <img src="{$entry.menu_function_result}" alt="{$entry.menu_label}"></a></li>
		{if $entry.menu_label == "Private Messages"}
       		{* CUSTOM CODE for pending followers in menu HERE *}
    		{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
    			<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$_user.profile_url}/follow">Pending Followers: {jrFollower_pending_count()}</a></li>
    	<li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label}</a></li>

09/29/20 02:11:54AM
4,335 posts

jrPage images

Design and Skin Customization

The uploaded image is actually a .jpg, and not a .png, as you have in your template code.
I've fixed that on your site and the image is now showing.
09/28/20 08:57:55AM
4,335 posts

jrPage images

Design and Skin Customization

Where is it not showing the correct image?

Have to tried clearing caches, including those in the Image Support Tools section?
09/25/20 02:38:13AM
4,335 posts

url to a specific signup quota

Using Jamroom

Quote: whenever I create a new quota, will it create a new button ?

If you create a new 'signup' quota, yes.

Quote: will the social media signup will also be on the page ?

I don't think the OneAll module social media buttons allow quota selection.

Quote: Can you make the buttons with different colors , or allow the user to choose button look under /core/skin_admin/images/skin=jrXDubMusic or anywhere else to upload the button ?

Button colour could be a admin choice. Why would you want users to choose the colour?

Just another thought on this topic - Why don't you just allow your users to change their quota theirselves, should they have signed up to the wrong one? - ACP=>Profiles=>Profile=>Global=>Allow Quota Changes