Forum Activity for @paul

11/02/20 01:06:38PM
4,335 posts

Firefox home page issue

Using Jamroom

Loads pretty well instantly for me - See SS
Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 21.05.30.png Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 21.05.30.png - 681KB
10/29/20 07:45:42AM
4,335 posts

url to a specific signup quota

Using Jamroom

I suggest you enable the 'template' signup and login forms in the User module. You can then edit the user_signup.tpl template to accept URL quota_id values.

Set line 30 onwards of the template to look like this -
                {jrProfile_get_signup_quota assign="quotas"}
                {if jrCore_checktype($_post.quota_id, 'number_nz')}
                	{* Quota ID on URL *}
                    <input id="quota_id" name="quota_id" value="{$_post.quota_id}" type="hidden">
                {elseif is_numeric($quotas)}
                    {* We only have 1 signup quota - no need to show select option *}
                    <input id="quota_id" name="quota_id" value="{$quotas}" type="hidden">
The remove or comment out the quota select code at about line 57

I've just tried this on my test site and it works fine.
10/23/20 12:44:59AM
4,335 posts

list order by assigned variable

Using Jamroom

{jrCore_list module="jrPage" order_by="_created desc" template="null" return_keys="_created" limit="1" assign="last_project_created"}
actually returns the 'last_project_created' variable as an array -
	Array (1)
0 => Array (5)
  _created => "1603438512"
  _profile_id => "1"
  _user_id => "1"
  _item_id => "2"
  list_rank => 1
so for the second call you need to extract the _profile_id from the array. As you are only returning one item do this -
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" search="_profile_id = `$last_project_created.0._profile_id`" require_image="profile_image" template="index_core_profile_list.tpl"}
10/22/20 04:51:59AM
4,335 posts

Vimeo module is active but there is no video upload button

Using Jamroom

The profile '' is both pending, and in the quota 'Academic Groups' which does not have the Vimeo module enabled for it. Fix those and the button will show.

"local" refers to any media uploaded by the user creating the post.
10/21/20 04:29:35AM
4,335 posts

stream pay

Installation and Configuration

Just to add to Michael's post above, the 'Play Control' module is what is needed to limit 'Plays per Month' -
10/18/20 02:57:39AM
4,335 posts

stream pay

Installation and Configuration

Are you wanting to build a site just to sell streaming to your videos? Or is it for anybody to signup and sell streaming?
Either way, you are going to have to sell subscriptions to a quota that allows streaming to collect payments, and then, if its just your videos, keep the money, or if its many users, periodically distribute user payments based on the credit they get via the Stream Pay module. With Jamroom, you cannot collect payments, in real time, per individual stream.
updated by @paul: 10/18/20 02:58:52AM
10/17/20 12:32:19AM
4,335 posts

stream pay

Installation and Configuration

As the docs state, this module effectively pays users who’s songs have been streamed. From the wording of your post I think you want users to pay you to stream songs. To do this, you need to disable streaming to non logged in users and users in the signup quota(s), then set up a paid subscription to a quota that allows songs to be streamed.
Hope that helps.
10/16/20 10:09:47AM
4,335 posts

url to a specific signup quota

Using Jamroom

They will only be allowed to change between quotas that are available at signup, so this is no different to the options you gave them then.
10/14/20 02:20:17AM
4,335 posts

Player count

Using Jamroom

I've played a couple of randomly selected songs on your site and the count does increment.
Remember that even though you are playing songs logged in as different users, they likely have the same IP address, so will not be counted after the initial play.