Firefox home page issue
Using Jamroom
Loads pretty well instantly for me - See SS
{jrProfile_get_signup_quota assign="quotas"}
{if jrCore_checktype($_post.quota_id, 'number_nz')}
{* Quota ID on URL *}
<input id="quota_id" name="quota_id" value="{$_post.quota_id}" type="hidden">
{elseif is_numeric($quotas)}
{* We only have 1 signup quota - no need to show select option *}
<input id="quota_id" name="quota_id" value="{$quotas}" type="hidden">
{jrCore_list module="jrPage" order_by="_created desc" template="null" return_keys="_created" limit="1" assign="last_project_created"}
Array (1)
0 => Array (5)
_created => "1603438512"
_profile_id => "1"
_user_id => "1"
_item_id => "2"
list_rank => 1
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" search="_profile_id = `$last_project_created.0._profile_id`" require_image="profile_image" template="index_core_profile_list.tpl"}